2006 Australian Mining Technology Conference

Posted in: , on 28. Jun. 2006 - 04:01

2006 Australian Mining Technology Conference

Value Through Cost Control

25 - 27 September 2006, Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia

go to www.crcmining.com.au for more information and to register now

Depending on which analyst you believe, the mining industry is now in the midst of a "supercycle" in which, largely due to the voracious appetite of China, commodity prices for base metals, iron ore and coal have reached unprecedented levels. This has lead to a rash of investment worldwide in greenfield projects as well as in projects to expand existin capacity. The result is that demand has outstripped supply: mining equipment is standing idle for lack of tyres; fuel costs have skyrocketed, and contracting costs have also risen significantly.

What can be done to control the spiralling costs of mining? The 2006 Australian Mining Technology COnference will showcase technological solutions for containing and cutting costs. These technologies cover the full spectrum of mining activities, from exploration, to develope, as well as unit mining operations. The 2006 conference will be an opportunity for industry and research to meet and collaboratively look for solutions to achieve greater value through cost control.

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