Dutch student of Business Logistics looking for a foreign practical period

Posted in: , on 23. Jun. 2006 - 14:09

Dear sirs,

I'm a 25 years old Dutch student Business Logistics and through this way I'm looking for a place to do my practical period. The practical period must be at a company with a problem / desired improvement in logistics, which could be translated to an assignment.

My level, compared to international standards, would be college. After my study, which takes 4 years in total, I'll have a bachelor-degree. After the summer I'll be in the third year. The duration of this practical period is app. 5 months and starts either at the end of August or at the end of January. I must choose on short term which it'll be.

To give you a small impression of my education: I've done several projects of eight weeks with a group of two other students. One of these was a project for a real company. We optimized the internal logistics and created a new lay-out planning. The company was very pleased with our solutions and promised they would really implement them. We received an excellent mark for it.

I strongly prefer to do this practical period in a foreign country, because I think it will be good for my development and I'm interested in different cultures.

Of course I have a very small wish-list for this practice. One of my wishes is that the company where I do this practical period provides me with shelter. I also hope that I can do this period in a country or company where the spoken language is either English or Dutch.

I hope you, or someone you know, can help me get an interesting practical period, please help me out and post in this thread.

Thank you,

Rob Groot,

The Netherlands

Re: Dutch Student Of Business Logistics Looking For A Foreign P…

Erstellt am 23. Jun. 2006 - 03:41

Try this link::


for a large quarrying operation with a heavy logistics function.

They were a remnant of Volker Stevin & stayed on to provide rock armour & ballast throughout the Gulf, Arabian Sea & Indian Ocean. Language is English, some Dutch(was) & they used to offer industrial experience to students; mainly from the Cambourne School of Mines. Best of luck.

John Gateley johngateley@hotmail.com www.the-credible-bulk.com

Re: Dutch Student Of Business Logistics Looking For A Foreign P…

Erstellt am 26. Jun. 2006 - 11:49

Thank you very much. I'll have a look at the website and perhaps I'll e-mail them. Other suggestions are always welcome!



Erstellt am 5. Jul. 2006 - 01:28

The followig address is lookig for practicants. Pls. ttry.

Prof. Klaus Peter Emde

Lohrweg 53

56218 Mülheim-Kärlich

02630-95911.5 (Fax: .6)



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Re: Dutch Student Of Business Logistics Looking For A Foreign P…

Erstellt am 13. Jul. 2006 - 04:51

Thank you dr. Ergun. This is not exactly my what I study for, but I've notified a friend whois looking for an internship like that.

Rob Groot