Re: Froude Number

Erstellt am 15. Jun. 2006 - 11:56

When the pipeline is stepped-up, the gas velocity will decreases. but the Froude Number before and after the step are same. And the froude number=V (Saltation) / (g d )^ 1/2.The d is enlarged and the froude number is constantly so V (Saltation) should be largen,but V (Saltation)will decrease.Why?please help me.

Re: Froude Number

Erstellt am 15. Jun. 2006 - 08:59

General rule of thumb is “Saltation Velocity increases with the increase in pipe dia”. The relationship between saltation velocity with Froude number is bit contentious but then that is an academic debate.

If you give some details of your system then I am sure you will get good advice.


Re: Froude Number

Erstellt am 17. Jun. 2006 - 03:55

Dear Mantoo:

Thank you for your help first.

I am a student .I want to know whether the max conveying velosity is identified by practical conveying status when I want to estimate the location of stepped point ?

Re: Froude Number

Erstellt am 19. Jun. 2006 - 09:02

There is no textbook figure for maximum conveying velocity. It will depend on what you are trying to achieve with stepping and what phase it is. i.e. if you are trying to reduce particle degradation in a lean phase system then you will place the step at a position where the velocity after the step is slightly above the saltation velocity at that diameter pipe. Position of these steps should not be too close to the bends / fittings as the material will have maximum slip velocity at these points. Always remember larger pipe diameter require higher velocities as discussed before.

To calculate stepping point you should determine the pressure profile in you conveying pipe then from there calculate air velocity and then select the stepping point where the velocity is not to excessive in smaller pipe and not too low in stepped pipe. Similarly stepping could be used to reduce the overall system pressure losses by lowering the velocities. In dense phase controlling the exit velocity is sometimes necessary.


Pipe Diameter

Erstellt am 21. Jun. 2006 - 08:34

Dear mantoo:

Thank you very much!You told me so much usefull knowledge.

After get the location of the stepped point and the diameter of stepped pipe,is it necessary to optimize the diameter of each segment of the whole pipeline.

Re: Froude Number

Erstellt am 22. Jun. 2006 - 09:38

By stepping the pipe you have already optimised the system ! The bigger size should run to the next step size or to the end of the system.

Hope i understood your question right.



Erstellt am 22. Jun. 2006 - 03:23

Thank you very much ,I have understood.

Best wiches!