Intermediate discharge

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 17. May. 2006 - 06:35

I have a belt conveyor "A" of 48" wide, and angle 15 degree positive, Design Capacity is 700 STPH. Long is 210'. Belt speed is 185 FPM.

The material is cooper ore size -3/4"

Now this Belt conveyor discharge 100% at head drive pulley. But I will need discharge from 250 to 350 STPH at half point, to other belt conveyor "B"and discharge will be controlled electronically whit belt scale in "B".

I need suggestions for this design.

I think will use plow buy I dont know if is applicable. Thank you.


Victor hernandez

Re: Intermediate Discharge

Erstellt am 17. May. 2006 - 08:18

A plough is not the thing to use to split a material stream. The belt must be flattened which lays the operation open to uncontrolled spillage. You need control.

Install a tripper feeding onto a small bin that has only a lip; say 200 high, to retain sufficient material to load a vibro weighfeeder. The feeder will draw off what it needs & the remainder will carry on to the existing discharge.

Lockers (Warrington, UK) make handy little feeders to do the job.

Without doing the sums, your belt seems a bit on the big side; so you might get away with installing the tripper using the existing drive power.

John Gateley

Re: Intermediate Discharge

Erstellt am 17. May. 2006 - 09:40

I agree you do not want to use a plow for this product.

If the variation in the feed split is small as you suggest, where 250 to 350t/h are off loaded to one side, means 450 to 350 to the opposite side, then a shuttling rockbox can bias the load and be controlled by the weigh scale. This assumes you are centering the load with controlled feed on to the carrying belt .

However, you also suggest that the belt is sloped 15 degrees for a short length. This may poss a problem with roll-back where the discharge pulley must be elevated or the receiving belt has a higher slope at the reload station.

I have not examined any of your design parameters to determine their efficacy.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Intermediate Discharge

Erstellt am 17. May. 2006 - 09:51

Good morning Victor..

I normally use a bifurcated cascade chute arrangement for this application.

You simply draw off what you want in one direction using the Mexicam Hat princilple for example, and the rest simply flows the other way.

(Plows are great as long as you never use them!)

Good luck

LSL Tekpro

Graham Spriggs
(not verified)

Thank You

Erstellt am 19. May. 2006 - 03:46

Thank you for their help. I will evaluate the suggestions and I will write them.
