Seeking expert advice for belt

Posted in: , on 14. May. 2006 - 15:33

Dear Sirs,

we want to know wheather using of general quality belt is possible for conveying of ready mix cement ;that mixture will be with water, also let me know that shall i take any extra care for idlers pulleys and belts

or any other suggetions please

waiting for expert advices from the experts

Thanking you,

yours trully,

Chetan Dabhade


Re: Seeking Expert Advice For Belt

Erstellt am 15. May. 2006 - 03:53

I would recommend a CRHR type belt in lieu of a Natural compound belt, as the Cement chemicals, lime etc will affect the rubber compounds on a standard Natural belt over time.

A CRHR is designed for Chemical Resistance.

Also ensure you have fitted a well adjusted Belt Cleaner and possibly water sprays to remove as much Cement as possible, as this would cause on going buildup problems to your idlers etc.