Bubbles appearance in belt splice

Posted in: , on 25. Apr. 2006 - 00:40

We have experienced the following problem with belt splicing:

At first, the splice was a two stage splice, hot vulcanized and worked well for three years. The belt presented an eruption, like a bubble, right at the splice zone. The splice was rebuilt with a three stage splice and again it presented the same problem after a few months. What could be the possible reasons to explain this problem?

The belt is a cable belt ST-2600, 10mm (Stacker cover) x 6mm (LRR), width 72”, hot vulcanized, length 3935m.

Please, see attached file.


picture1 (JPG)

Eduardo Finke Mechanical Engineer

Re: Bubbles Appearance In Belt Splice

Erstellt am 25. Apr. 2006 - 01:05


I have seen this problem many times. It is almost certainly caused by the fact there was high humidity during the splicing and some condensation of water occured on the surface of the cemented area after you had laid the cables. This creates a small water vapour blow during splicing due to the applied heat that is quite undetectable immediately after the splice due to the pressure that was applied but after you re -commission the belt the area where this "blow" has occured tends to be consolidated into the centre section of the belt through the flexing etc that happens as the belt is troughed causing a bubble to occur. This can become minutely perforated and wil then suck more air into what is now a serious delamination causing the bubble to grow and elongate.

The solution is all about controlling humidity and thus keeping the cemented area very dry prior to laying on the top cover panel.

All the best

Col Benjamin

Gulf Conveyor Systems