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Posted in: , on 23. Mar. 2006 - 19:30

They’re there, but you can’t hear them

GMF Gouda at Achema

Ever hear a pin drop at a packed trade fair? After a visit to GMF Gouda’s stand at Achema you’ll know what we mean. The machine manufacturer is presenting itself in a highly unusual way. Peace and quiet is the order of the day. A pleasant contrast to the hustle and bustle during the event. The idea? Silence is golden. Just so you know.

GMF Gouda has purposely chosen a striking approach to the event. Visitors enter an oasis of tranquillity and can check out what GMF Gouda has to offer in their own time. No fleeting, superficial contact with stand personnel, instead the freedom to look around in a relaxing atmosphere. “The focus must be completely on the client. And that works best when he or she can choose their own pace,” says Commercial Director Mac Wirodihardjo. Anyone interested can make an appointment with GMF Gouda during the fair. For an in-depth talk, in perfect peace and with all the time in the world.

Innovation to spare

This daring trade fair stand reflects the innovative direction GMF is taking. For instance, GMF is offering the pilot plant. A unique concept which simulates clients’ requirements in a lifelike way. Because of this pilot set-up, clients do not get any nasty surprises and they can adjust specifications as they like. Added to this, a new design for a drum dyer is being launched after the fair, and the new steam vessel door construction and the brush ’n belt have been improved. These are just a few of the groundbreaking innovations by GMF Gouda. A visit to Anuga Foodtec will give you an excellent overview. In peace and quiet.

Achema is the international trade fair for Processes and Products for the chemical industry. The event takes place from Monday 15 May to Friday 19 May at the Messe Frankfurt GmbH in Frankfurt. GMF Gouda is located at stand number 4.01 P1.

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