IFED 2006, Canada

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Posted in: , on 23. Jan. 2006 - 14:20

IFED International Forum on Engineering Decision Making

Second Forum April 26-29, 2006 Lake Louise, Canada

Decision Making Involving Spatially Distributed Systems

Theme of the second IFED forum

The main theme is “decision making involving spatially distributed systems”. This includes challenges and innovations related to the following sub-themes: Analysis of dependency in distributed and large systems Spatial problem formulations in engineering decision making Structuring complex systems using Bayesian nets and other methods Implications on regulatory frameworks for decision making Treatment/modelling of different types of spatial uncertainties Modelling of the inspection of spatially distributed systems Spatial aspects of hazard modelling (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, ...) Probabilistic modelling of spatially varying properties of solids, soils, ... Spatial characteristics of the degradation of structures Models for assets integrity management Decision making involving stochastic fields Representation of spatially distributed systems in consequence assessment

Background and motivation

Nearly all systems are spatially distributed. At the component level material properties, degradation, damage, loads, etc. are spatially distributed. The performance and reliability of single items of built infrastructure comprise a system of components, and are often themselves part of a broader spatially distributed system at the regional, national or international level. Much work has been devoted to temporal aspects of performance, but there is clearly a need to focus more effort on better understanding and modelling the performance of spatially distributed systems, and how decision-making can best utilise information on the spatial variability of engineering systems.

Aim of the second IFED forum

The single-session IFED forum format brings together experts in the field of decision making, risk and reliability analysis, and probabilistic modelling who have specific interest in the themes of the forum. The objectives are:

• To outline current challenges related to spatially distributed systems.

• To discuss and to present possible solutions and applications.

• To develop directions for future research in the field.

Discussion, collegiality, and dialogue are the key ingredients of a successful IFED forum. The programme of the forum provides plenty of opportunity to interact. At the end of each IFED forum a joint conclusion is formulated by all the participants in the IFED forum.

Notification of participation

Please indicate your interest in participating in the forum by sending a short e-mail (including name, affiliation, address, phone, fax and preliminary title or sub-theme) to ifed2006@ucalgary.ca.

The final programme of the conference including timetables and accommodation is made available in January 2006.

Abstracts and papers

The deadline for submitting a detailed one-page abstract to ifed2006@ucalgary.ca is December 1, 2005. Invitations to present papers at the forum are strictly based on review and acceptance of the abstract. Notification is given in January 2006.

Full final papers are due at the IFED forum in April 2006. All papers are peer reviewed by the IFED advisory council members, printed in the forum’s proceedings and available on the IFED webpage. In addition, selected papers are submitted to a special issue of an international journal on the topics of the forum.

Format and venue of the second IFED forum

The 2nd IFED forum starts with a reception in Lake Louise on Wednesday evening April 26, 2006 and concludes with the IFED banquet on Saturday night April 29, 2006. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning are devoted to presentations and discussions, and conclusions. On Saturday after lunch, IFED organizes diverse alpine group activities and excursions, followed by the IFED banquet.

The registration fee for the forum includes all lunches, all nutri-breaks, reception, excursions, Thursday night dinner and Saturday’s banquet.

Skiing and other alpine pursuits before and after the forum can easily be coordinated for those individuals wishing to extend their stay – the Lake Louise winter recreation area remains open till the end of May.

The forum is held in the renowned Post Hotel in Lake Louise which is considered to be one of the finest mountain resorts in the world located next to the Kicking Horse pass at the crest of Banff National Park. This haven of exceptional natural beauty is easily accessible from Calgary and has direct airport service to and from Calgary International Airport.


IFED is an international organization with the mission to stimulate new initiatives in engineering decision making and risk analysis for engineering systems. It meets these objectives by organizing on a regular basis open international forums that focus on specific themes, providing a widely accessible publication of the contributions and of the conclusions of the forums.

The first forum took place on December 5-9, 2004 in Stoos, Switzerland on the theme Consequence Modelling in Engineering Decision Making. The forum attracted over 40 participants. A special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management contains invited papers from the forum.

Detailed information can be found on the IFED website www.ifed.ethz.ch.

IFED consortium

Marc Maes, University of Calgary, Canada (current chair)

Mark Stewart, University of Newcastle, Australia (current co-vice-chair)

Stuart Reid, University of Sydney, Australia (current co-vice-chair)

Jun Kanda, University of Tokyo, Japan

Michael Faber, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

IFED advisory council

Paolo Bazzurro, Air-Worldwide, USA

Denys Breysse, Universit Bordeaux 1, France

Allin Cornell, Stanford University, USA

Ross Corotis, University of Colorado (Boulder), USA

Erica Dalziell, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Armen Der Kiureghian, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Adrian Gheorghe, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Jean Goyet, Bureau Veritas, France

Peter-Friis Hansen, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

Inger Kroon, COWI Consulting Engineers, Denmark

Albrecht Lentz, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Enrico Rizzuto, University of Genoa, Italy

Ruediger Rackwitz, Technical University of Munich, Germany

David Rosowsky, Texas A & M, USA

Luc Schueremans, K.U. Leuven, Belgium

Rolf Skjong, Det Norske Veritas, Oslo, Norway

John Sorensen, University of Aalborg, Denmark

Bruno Sudret, EDF, France

Tsuyoshi Takada, University of Tokyo, Japan

Dimitri Val, Technion, Israel

Han Vrijling, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands

Enrico Zio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

For more information, please contact:


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