Electronic Shift Handover Logs

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 19. Jan. 2006 - 09:38

Has anyone come across any Freeware / Shareware type easy to use ‘electronic shift logs’ / Electronic Shift Diary? for use by our maintenance crews.

Where the guys access the log via the PC and pass on the status of their workload, any particular problems which may need monitoring as well as general notes etc, all of which would be viewable by the various shift personnel, Supervisors, Planner etc.

Something that allows for handover notes etc perhaps with a few simple codes to define the status of the job / workload, which also allows searching back over a short period eg a week or so.



(not verified)

Maintenance Software

Erstellt am 30. Jan. 2006 - 04:19


I came across this link to C Works which might fit for you--

http://www.cworks.com.my/. I have not used this product, but any type of CMMS which uses a database will work for what you want. We use a more sophisticated program which is not free.

Lyle Phelps

Director-Engineering and Project Development

(not verified)

Re: Electronic Shift Handover Logs

Erstellt am 31. Jan. 2006 - 01:06

Thank you Lyle but what I am after is more of a 'basic' type electronic diary, we already have a maintenance management system - FMMS.

Thanks again.

Best Regards


(not verified)

Shift Handover

Erstellt am 17. Feb. 2006 - 01:59

Hi! The Works Software (www.theworkssoftware.com) do not provide shareware BUT our software (Lifetrack) was designed specifically for operational logging and shift handover.

The product was developed from a two-year industrial research program sponsored by BP, Honeywell Control and Cambridge University. The project spent the two years understanding the social, communication and information dimensions of shift hand-over and operations logging.

Lifetrack is built on this understanding and is grounded on ease of use (ergonomics), knowledge retention and communications management principles to ensure relevance, ease of use and reliability in a way that permits smooth operations to be maintained.



Any Luck Yet ??

Erstellt am 22. May. 2006 - 08:41

Interesting subject, anyone found a solution?

(not verified)

Electronic Shift Handover Logs

Erstellt am 23. May. 2006 - 01:30

No luck regarding logs Thony, we are now using a "home grown" version in msexcel which is adequate for our needs.
