Flexible Hoses

richard adams
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 8. Jan. 2006 - 11:45

I recently visited a site with a gypsum slurry pipeline approx 1km long constructed using GRP pipe 250mm for the straight sections and flexible hoses at some of the turns. Water hammer appears to have occured and one of the hoses has failed. Is there a reason why people use flex hoses at pipe turns (90 deg)? Or is it that with GRP this is common practice.

Has anyone done water hammer calculations for slurries and flex hoses. I guess the hose needs to be treated as a composite material.

Hose And Its Use

Erstellt am 8. Jan. 2006 - 04:30

The use of flexible hose in a pipeline of that type is unfortunately a cost saving measure to accomidate a tight radius.

Adding the fact that they do not have an water hammer preventer to stop the surges of pressure does not help much.

Having a simple verticle pipe stack sealed with a pipe plug at any location allows an air charge to be held with out any special equipment and of course cushions the flow of the product and reduces stress on the piping and pipe joints.

The air trapped in the pipe stack compresses under load and absorbs the energy created by the flow of slurry or water.

-apparently someone forgot the basic rule of hydraulics.

Kind sir, please expand further on the brand and type of pipe and hose in question-if you don't mind.

any flexible hose is only as good as its comapatability with the product it is used for, i.e. use the wrong hose or misuse its applicable limits and of course you will have problems.

Re: Flexible Hoses

Erstellt am 26. Jan. 2006 - 01:40

Recently, I came across following research article describing technical and economical viability of flexible slurry pipeline:

Samuel Frimpong, Jozef Szymanski and R. M. M. Changirwa, "Oil sands slurry and waste recycling mechanics in a flexible pipeline", system, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 39, Issue 1, August 2003, Pages 33-50.


D.R. Kaushal

richard adams
(not verified)

Re: Flexible Hoses

Erstellt am 26. Jan. 2006 - 02:04

Thanks once again. I will follow up.

You are a busy guy answering several of my questions. I hope I can help someone else in the same way.

Dick Adams
