Magnetic Drives

Posted in: , on 29. Dec. 2005 - 22:55

Hello everyone

I am looking into a new product for possible use as a belt conveyor drive to replace a soft starter, VFD or fluid coupling.

I was wondering if anyone may have had some experience with these types of drives or this one in particular.

The principle sounds great but all information is from the manufacturer. So I am looking for unbiased remarks about the product.

Please tell me your experiences good or bad.


Gary Blenkhorn

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.


Erstellt am 13. Dec. 2005 - 10:13

Product is used extensively on conveyor applications. Installations seen have ranged from package handling for FedEx (25 – 50 HP) to coal conveyors WE (up to 700 HP).

Magnetic Coupling

Erstellt am 15. Dec. 2005 - 12:59

You can contact these guys, it is a local company who specialize in magnetic couplings of their own design.

Re: Magnetic Drives

Erstellt am 30. Dec. 2005 - 05:48


As the website states, the magnetic drive is a new invention (which sounds very attractive from a power loss point of view). If you are interested in its performance, I suggest you contact the Premcor plant in Lima, Ohio.

Or contact the Michigan power plant (one of the Detroit Edison facilities?). You should be able to get contact information from the manufacturer.

The order they received from the Navy suggests that it could be a good product.

Good luck in your search to improve your mine's performance - keep the salt flowing!

Dave Miller ADM Consulting 10668 Newbury Ave., N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685 USA Tel: 001 330 265 5881 FAX: 001 330 494 1704 E-mail:

Re: Magnetic Drives

Erstellt am 30. Dec. 2005 - 03:36

I believe I have noted on a prior posting to a similar question. The magnetic drive is more suited to pump acceleration than conveyor. The flux field is not strong enough for a constant torque application.

CDI had the magnetic drive people come and demostrate their system some years back. The concept is neat but the magnets are not powerful enough to meet the needs of the conveyor's constant torque systems without serious overdesign of the magnetic clutch.

Maybe things have changed?

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Magnetic Drives

Erstellt am 30. Dec. 2005 - 07:38

They have changed their concept. Originally, they promoted the idea of locking the input to output once speed was achieved. Now they are transmitting by cutting lines of flux. The question is how much energy do you wish to dump in order to have such a device. Four percent would seem to be a lot.

Such a slip loss on a 100 hp motor would cost:

$$ = 100 hp x 4%slip x .746 kw/hp x 5000 hours/yr @ $0.10/ kwhr

$$ = $1492 / year where @ 8% discount rate & 15 year life

$$ = $13,025 over 15 years in rough terms with the given assumptions.

$$ = $130/hp.

The Magnadrive energy loss would pay for an inverter soft-starter

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450