Bulk powder transportation

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 27. Dec. 2005 - 20:20

Hi everybody!!

I´m currently looking for a diferent, economical and efficient way to transport bulk powder from Mexico to the USA. I´m currently using pressurized rail cars to transport powder to USA, but I´m hopping that there is a good alternative to compete against the ineficiency of the RR.

The approximate volume to move would be in the range of 12,000 - 16, 0000 MT/year

Can someone help me !

Re: Bulk Powder Transportation

Erstellt am 28. Dec. 2005 - 04:26

Dear Sir

Usually, the larger the quantity of bulk material you can ship the less expensive the shipping costs become. Your reference to "inefficiencies" leads me to believe the actual freight costs may be of secondary importance to the other factors which you experience.

There are certainly ways such as super sacks, etc, to move product by truck but that will most certainly increase the costs. It may however solve what ever other problems you might have.

Transporting by ship or barge may be an alternative but that obviously is very contingent to your access to waterways and the nature of the product you are handling.

Possibly if you were able to elaborate more on the type and quantities of product(s) you are referring to, the members of the forum may be in a better position to provide you with a recommendation.

It sounds to me like you need to have a study performed to compare the alternative solutions on both a technical as well as economical basis.

Our firm may be able to help and if you are interested, we would be happy to discuss the matter with you in more detail.
