Pipe conveyor walkways

richard adams
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 21. Dec. 2005 - 14:52

I have been offered a pipeconveyor system approx 1km long, part of which is elevated above 10m, but with only a single walkway on one side. My knowledge of flat belt conveyors tells me that this could be a problem when trying to inpsect or repair the system. Has anyone got experience of this issue?

Re: Pipe Conveyor Walkways

Erstellt am 21. Dec. 2005 - 06:49

Dear Mr. Dick Adams,

Whether to opt for one side walkway or two-side walkway depends upon the financial situation of the buyer. Previously, people used to make the structure economical by using one side walkway. However, as on now, A class buyers in India are opting for both side walkways. It has been observed that maintenance people will not be able to attend the equipment properly if there is only one side walkway. Inspite of all the efforts, the maintenance is likely to be below average on other side and it will indirectly reflect in less satisfactory performance / life.

Apart form this, in a country like India where there is monsoon season sometimes with heavy rains stretching in weeks, the A-class users are opting for enclosed gallery. Because maintenance person cannot attend the item properly in severe rain and wind.

These are observation of A-class plant owners and my views. There are all possibilities that many people may differ.

The aforesaid statement is applicable to bulk material plants which are required to operate round-the-clock. In case the plant is to work intermittently and casually, then one side walkway can also be used for saving in investment.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email : parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916

richard adams
(not verified)

Re: Pipe Conveyor Walkways

Erstellt am 21. Dec. 2005 - 08:34


Thanks for that, we intend to operate the system continuously hence I think we need a double walkway. Interesting we will be transfering material in both directions with one pipe conveyor. This is something I have never seen before.


Re: Pipe Conveyor Walkways

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2005 - 11:36

Dear Mr Adams

We have supplied and instaled many pipe conveyor with walkways one side and both sides. In the end it is what the customer requests but in general up to and including diameter 400mm it is possible to maintain from one side without a problem and we do have this.

But for diameter 500mm and up I think it would be neccessary for a walkway both sides.

Paul Holt

Dosco Overseas Eng Ltd.

richard adams
(not verified)


Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2005 - 12:04

I have just checked the preliminary design and its 300mm dia., so I guess we can live with a walkway one side.



Re: Pipe Conveyor Walkways

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2005 - 10:21

Dear Mr Adams:

As Mr. Holt has stated, pipe conveyors can be inspected and maintained with a walkway on only one side. However, my maintenance background always has me "wishing" for easy access on both sides.

The advantages of a single walkway include cost, space, and weight savings. The disadvantages include extra cost associated with increased inspection time (or worse, damage caused by not doing inspections) and increased maintenance time.

Over a period of use, the double walkway is probably less expensive. However, this fits into the classic capital cost budget / operating cost budget conflict. I do not foresee an engineering problem with doing inspections and maintenance from a single sided walkway, as long as you are prepared to do it. Also, a temporary walkway can be made at a maintenance point, if unusually protracted maintenance work is required at a give idler set (i.e. plate cutting & welding).


Dave Miller ADM Consulting 10668 Newbury Ave., N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685 USA Tel: 001 330 265 5881 FAX: 001 330 494 1704 E-mail: admconsulting@cs.com
richard adams
(not verified)

Re: Pipe Conveyor Walkways

Erstellt am 23. Dec. 2005 - 11:02


Thanks for replying. I too have experienced trying to cope with working/inspecting on the blind-side of conveyors. We had an example of a structural failure recently for this very reason. Coal left piled up around a support member on the blind-side. However, I'm hopeful that with a pipe conveyor we should not get the same conditions.



Walkway On Pipe Conveyor

Erstellt am 23. Dec. 2005 - 02:20

Dear sir

In my openion pipe conveyor shold have both sdes wlkwayas roller on opposite side of walkway is not visible. More over when belt rotates on other side of walkway position of overlapping is not visible.,


Dennis Hauch - Freeport, TX, USA
(not verified)

Re: Pipe Conveyor Walkways

Erstellt am 23. Dec. 2005 - 06:47

In reading your post and the replies, many reasons were stated for having or not having a second walkway. The most compelling reason for having one was not even mentioned, i.e. the safety of operating / maintenance personnel.

The potential for injury to personnel is greatly increased with a single walkway, a fall from 10 meters would be fatal. The cost of such an incident would be exponentially greater than the cost of a second walkway.

Just do it.

Dennis Hauch, PE

Re: Pipe Conveyor Walkways

Erstellt am 4. Jan. 2006 - 01:06

Dear Sir

With respect when we install a single walkway it is not possible to fall because of guarding etc it is only a little more inconvenient to change idlers of the opposite side but can be reached without problem. Our customers do not comment adversely in this respect but i do agree if supply and installation cost is not an issue (but it usually is) then 2 walkways are better.

(not verified)

Walkway Width

Erstellt am 6. Jan. 2006 - 11:15

what should be the optimum walkway width on either side of pipe or trough conv considering safety and access for maintenance.

Also in case of two conv in single gantry, what is normally the practice for walkway in between the two convs.

richard adams
(not verified)

Walkway Width

Erstellt am 6. Jan. 2006 - 11:41

I have been offered a 1000mm walkway along side a 700mm frame encasing the 300mm pipe conveyors. There is a standard handrail on the outside and a special guard between the walkway and the conveyor frame. I guess this will be a wire mesh.

Richard Adams

Re: Pipe Conveyor Walkways

Erstellt am 6. Jan. 2006 - 04:17

Yes 1000mm wide walkway is good. As a standard 800mm is often offered and installed where it is only for man access and changing idlers.

In some limited areas where space is tight, it is possible and aceptable to have a 450mm wide sqeezeway.

Paul Holt

Dosco Overseas Eng Ltd.

Pipe Conveyor Walk-Way

Erstellt am 5. Feb. 2007 - 11:49

Dear Sirs,

I have seen one side walk-way in many application specially for small pipe diameter.

Normally expart people go for maintenance with safety device. We had accident with double walk-way also.

I opine that requirement is depend on.

1. Diameter of pipe.

2.Budget for the progect.

3. Client chiose.



Re: Pipe Conveyor Walkways

Erstellt am 5. Feb. 2007 - 12:58

Dear Sirs

Yes these are the 3 main factors which determine the requirement for 1 or 2 walkways.

Paul Holt

Dosco Overseas Eng Ltd.