Barytes vaccum pneumatic conveying is feasible?

Posted in: , on 7. Dec. 2005 - 03:13

now my teacher told me a task

vaccum pnuematic conveying barytes

bulk dense : 1590kg/m^3 diameter : 15um

distance : 30m bends : 5 , R/d = 10

pipe bore: 50mm air flow : 4.05m^3/min

capacity : 8t/h

is that feasible??

Conveying Barite

Erstellt am 7. Dec. 2005 - 10:23

It is unlikely that you will be able to convey 8 tonne/h through such a pipeline with a vacuum conveying system. You will need a pressure drop of about one bar with a 50 mm bore pipeline.

You are also using far too much air. Solids loading ratios of well over 200 are possible with barite in such a short pipeline, if you use a positive pressure conveying system.

It should be possible with exactly the same amount of air in an 80 mm bore pipeline with a vacuum conveying system.

David Mills

Re: Barytes Vaccum Pneumatic Conveying Is Feasible?

Erstellt am 7. Dec. 2005 - 10:33

Dear Dills

thank you very much for your reply. i will change the task.

Re: Barytes Vaccum Pneumatic Conveying Is Feasible?

Erstellt am 7. Dec. 2005 - 07:40

dear kevinjcg

Baryte (BaSO4) has a material density of 4500 kg/m3

Compared to cement this gives a suspension velocity of approx. 1,25 m/sec

I figured a suction pipeline of 10m vertical and 20m horizontal.

A initial pressure drop at the intake of 1500 mmWC

This resulted in the following table (capacity in tons/hr = function (vacuum in bar))

kevinjcg bar s 11-07-2005

Vacuum discharge of Baryte

Convey length = 30 m

Number of bends = 8

Pump vol = 0.07 m^3/sec - # 4,05 m^3/min

Dia begin = 75 mm

Dia end = 100 mm

Vacuum Capacity Max interrupt.

bar - tons/hr-vs/hr - cap.tons/hr-vs/hr - v-begin - v-end - kWh/ton - res.time

0.650 - 9 / 1 - 8 / 1 - 6.7 - 8.9 - 0.48 - 5.24

0.600 - 9 / 1 - 8 / 1 - 7.6 - 8.9 - 0.47 - 5.10

0.550 - 8 / 1 - 8 / 1 - 8.5 - 8.8 - 0.46 - 4.97

0.500 - 8 / 1 - 8 / 1 - 9.5 - 8.8 - 0.46 - 4.87

0.450 - 8 / 1 - 8 / 1 - 10.4 - 8.8 - 0.47 - 4.77

0.400 - 7 / 1 - 7 / 1 - 11.3 - 8.7 - 0.47 - 4.52

0.350 - 6 / 1 - 6 / 1 - 12.1 - 8.7 - 0.53 - 4.34

0.300 - 5 / 1 - 5 / 1 - 13.0 - 8.6 - 0.64 - 4.16

0.250 - 3 / 0 - 3 / 0 - 13.8 - 8.6 - 0.90 - 4.02

PS. I have some experience in the past and barite is rather easy to convey pneumatically, as

it is often applied on offshore supply vessels.

In case you need more info, use this forum

best regards


Re: Barytes Vaccum Pneumatic Conveying Is Feasible?

Erstellt am 8. Dec. 2005 - 02:11

Dear Teus

thank you too much for your reply.

would you like to tell me what is the vs/hr? also pipeline of only about 3m vertical , and bends 5, so i think that is lower than that your calculation, at end ,if i want to using bore 50mm,so how is the bayrtes capacity ?

respectfully regards

Re: Barytes Vaccum Pneumatic Conveying Is Feasible?

Erstellt am 8. Dec. 2005 - 07:34

dear kevinjcg

vs/hr means vessels or blowtanks per hour (I assumed a vessel of 9 tons content)

(not really an important figure, but this program is made for double blowtank systems and therefore I have to fill in something to prevent a calculation overflow)

I recalculated the installation according your specifications :

pipebore = 50 mm

5 bends

3m vertical upwards

27 m horizontal

This results in :

kevinjcg bar s 11-08-2005

Vacuum discharge of Baryte

Convey length = 30 m

Number of bends = 5

Pump vol = 0.0675 m^3/sec # 4,05 m3/min

Dia begin = 50 mm

Dia end = 50 mm (single diameter pipeline)

Shipsize in dwt.= 11020

Vacuum Capacity Max interrupt.

bar - tons/hr-vs/hr - cap.tons/hr-vs/hr v-begin v-end kWh/ton res.time - loading ratio

0.650 - 3,9 / 0 - 3,9 / 0 - 15.0 - 34.7 - 1.13 - 2.04 - 40,6

0.600 - 3,7 / 0 - 3,7 / 0 - 17.2 - 34.6 - 1.17 - 1.80 - 33,3

0.550 - 3,4 / 0 - 3,4 / 0 - 19.3 - 34.4 - 1.22 - 1.62 - 27,4

0.500 - 3,1 / 0 - 3,1 / 0 - 21.4 - 34.3 - 1.31 - 1.49 - 22,3

0.450 - 2,7 / 0 - 2,7 / 0 - 23.5 - 34.2 - 1.44 - 1.36 - 17,7

0.400 - 2,2 / 0 - 2,2 / 0 - 25.5 - 34.2 - 1.70 - 1.30 - 13,2

0.350 - 1,6 / 0 - 1,6 / 0 - 27.3 - 34.1 - 2.22 - 1.23 - 8,9

The capacity is now much less, because of the much higher air velocities.

Note that I compared this product baryte with cement in relation to the behavior in pneumatic conveying.

(see also the thread of Mr debashide "System design calculation for pneumatic conveying")

all for now


Re: Barytes Vaccum Pneumatic Conveying Is Feasible?

Erstellt am 9. Dec. 2005 - 09:51

thank you for your reply

i got it, thanks

respectfully regards

Re: Barytes Vaccum Pneumatic Conveying Is Feasible?

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2005 - 05:58

Dear Teus

in your calculation , i know , i only can acheve about 2.2t/h capacity about 0.6bar(absolute), so that is lower than we expectation, so vacuum conveying, i want to acheve 6t/h capacity at 0.6bar(absolute) , and horizontal :22m, vertical 8m, and bends:4, inlet bore: 80mm, outlet bore:100mm, and total equivalent is about 92m, because air velocity of inlet is 13~15m/sec, and outlet is 14~16m/sec ( using step pipe,) so equivalent of bends is large, so can that is possible to acheve 6t/h capacity?

respectful regards

Re: Barytes Vaccum Pneumatic Conveying Is Feasible?

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2005 - 05:14

dear kevinjcg

First of all, do not take these figures as 100% accuracy

(see also my note in the preveous reply)

Although I have no extensive experimental field data of baryte conveying installations, the calculation shows rather realistic and acceptable values.

Of course, it is no problem at all to do another calculation.

Please let me know how much air displacement you want to use.

My program is based on the fysical events that occur with the material itself and therefore I cannot use such a figure as equivalent length.

My problem with equivalent length is ; how to chose the pipe with the specific conditions as local loading ratio, air velocities, material velocities, absolute local pressure in comparison with which bend.

My program avoids this difficult decision.

Waiting for your reply


Thanks For Your Reply

Erstellt am 23. Dec. 2005 - 05:20

Dear Teus

the equivalent of bends ,the data can refers the book of David Mills : pneumatic conveying design guide,and diluate dense conveying ,as a air velocity inlet 12~14m/sec in bore 53£¬ the equivalment length is about 12~16/bends, so as a reference, and air flow ,so the pressure is 0.6bar(aboslute) ,and avaliable airflow 4.0~4.5m^3/min, so can pneumatic conveying barytes ,the solid loading ratio can be more than 20, if so, the pressure drop is enough?

Re: Barytes Vaccum Pneumatic Conveying Is Feasible?

Erstellt am 23. Dec. 2005 - 07:50

dear kevinjcg

Some of the letters in your reply are mixed up.

I cannot read the “bore” value

Forget about the equivalent length, I do not use that concept.

Which installation do you wish me to calculate ?

Take care that the mass air flow in a vacuum system varies with the under pressure.

mass flow of air = 1,293 * 273/(t+273) * (1-vacuum) * pumpdisplacement

