Scorpio Conveyor Products

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Posted in: , on 1. Dec. 2005 - 10:44

Scorpio Conveyor Products

Announces Plans for New Facility

Scorpio Conveyor Products, the subsidiary of Martin Engineering in the Republic of South Africa, has announced an agreement to acquire a new office and factory complex currently under construction in Witbank, South Africa.

The new 40,000 square foot (3700 m2) facility will be located at 32 Arnhem Street, Die Heuwel, in an industrial park in Witbank, approximately 4.5 miles (7 km) from the operation’s current leased Witbank location.

The new facility will more than double the size of Scorpio Conveyor Products’ current facility. Construction of the new building is roughly 30% finished, with completion scheduled for the second quarter of 2006 and occupation by Scorpio Conveyor Products later that year.

“The agreement to purchase and complete this new building represents Martin Engineering’s commitment to the importance of Scorpio Conveyor Products and of South Africa in the future of Martin Engineering,” said Ed Peterson, Chairman of the Board. “We are experiencing significant expansion of our sales in our product line, and our services and maintenance programs in Southern Africa.”

Founded in 1979, Scorpio Conveyor Products is South Africa’s leading supplier of belt cleaners and other systems to solve problems in the handling of bulk materials in industry. The operation was acquired by Martin Engineering in 2003.

Founded in 1944, Martin Engineering is a world leader in making bulk materials handling cleaner, safer, and more productive. The company is headquartered in Neponset, Illinois, and has overseas operations in Germany, France, United Kingdom, China, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, and South Africa. MARTIN® Products are available from authorized representatives around the world.

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