Screw Conveyor Capacity

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 26. Oct. 2005 - 23:05

I am not certain where is the best place to post my question. My query concerns the filling ratio of screw conveyors, more specifically when the screw is enclosed in a tubular casing. Such arrangements are commonly used on tunneling machines. The screw is driven at the rear end, and there are no shaft hangers, the front (entry) end of the screw just rests on the bottom of the tubular case. The screw may be inclined such that the drive end is higher than the entry end.

According to industry standard guidelines, the filling ratio of a screw conveyor (fraction of the circular cross-section that can be filled with material) should not exceed a figure in the area of 30 to 40 percent, depending on the material being conveyed, and the inclination angle of the screw. What I would like to know is: – in practice can this percentage be exceeded, or is it a natural physical limitation imposed by the mechanics of the screw process itself (i.e. gravity, angle of repose, friction coefficient at case and flight, etc.)? In other words, if the inlet is flooded with material, does the conveyor fill to approaching 100 percent, or does it naturally only deliver a quantity commensurate with the 30 to 40 percent, and thus causing a back up at the entry point. Maybe that is the principle of a screw feeder – I don’t know. It seems to me that if the screw were completely full the material would simply rotate as a mass, and not be conveyed at all. Between 40 percent and 100 percent, I can’t intuitively understand what will happen.

Most screws are shaft type, though ribbons are used occasionally. The material conveyed varies from broken dry rock in the form chips (approximately 6 x 3 x 1 inch), to sand.

Lastly, does anybody know if a 3-dimensional representation of a working screw (e.g. Solid Works) is available anywhere on the Internet or a commercial source? Alternately, is there anywhere I could see a “model” operating screw with a transparent casing?

Re: Screw Conveyor Capacity

Erstellt am 27. Oct. 2005 - 02:14

Originally posted by dowdens

I am not certain where is the best place to post my question. My query concerns the filling ratio of screw conveyors, more specifically when the screw is enclosed in a tubular casing. Such arrangements are commonly used on tunneling machines. The screw is driven at the rear end, and there are no shaft hangers, the front (entry) end of the screw just rests on the bottom of the tubular case. The screw may be inclined such that the drive end is higher than the entry end.

According to industry standard guidelines, the filling ratio of a screw conveyor (fraction of the circular cross-section that can be filled with material) should not exceed a figure in the area of 30 to 40 percent, depending on the material being conveyed, and the inclination angle of the screw. What I would like to know is: – in practice can this percentage be exceeded, or is it a natural physical limitation imposed by the mechanics of the screw process itself (i.e. gravity, angle of repose, friction coefficient at case and flight, etc.)? In other words, if the inlet is flooded with material, does the conveyor fill to approaching 100 percent, or does it naturally only deliver a quantity commensurate with the 30 to 40 percent, and thus causing a back up at the entry point. Maybe that is the principle of a screw feeder – I don’t know. It seems to me that if the screw were completely full the material would simply rotate as a mass, and not be conveyed at all. Between 40 percent and 100 percent, I can’t intuitively understand what will happen.

Most screws are shaft type, though ribbons are used occasionally. The material conveyed varies from broken dry rock in the form chips (approximately 6 x 3 x 1 inch), to sand.

Lastly, does anybody know if a 3-dimensional representation of a working screw (e.g. Solid Works) is available anywhere on the Internet or a commercial source? Alternately, is there anywhere I could see a “model” operating screw with a transparent casing?

You will never get 100% filling as the screw is constantly moving along its length and the screws volume itself will always have a reduced capacity because it is always moving, except in use of a water screw used to elevate water from one point to another.

the auger used in a TBM or even a micro tunneler is usually fully open except at the delivery point and the material is pulled ang the bottom of the trough created by the auger.

Another good example are the dual augers used in an undercutter used to provide stress relief in a mine face during mining in a room and pillar mining sequence.

The bottom auger is referred to as the horizontal bug duster and the auger used to elevate the cuttings is the stacking bug duster auger.

The horizontal bug duster is installed in a tube where the auger tube is entirely open for almost its entire length to facillitate cuttings removal this auger pushes the material to the stacking bugduster where it is elevated to a higher point and dropped to the the side and rear of the cutter bar of the undercutter to allow for stacking and to avoid pulling the cuttings back into the existing kerf/cut.

Another excellent example is a single stage snow blower. The auger is designed with narrow flighting to move material quickly and blow it out of the snow blower spout at the same time.

Any auger is not going to fill to it capacity due to its trying to pull and push the material down as it is moving it forward at the same time while normal traveling along it length which is why it is perfect for moving materials.


Cross Sectional Loading Of Screws

Erstellt am 27. Oct. 2005 - 01:25

The reason that a limit is quoted for the cross sectional loading of conveying screws is that, above about 45% cross sectional fill on a horizontal screw, the material will spill over the shaft to fall back into the prior pitch space. In a ‘U’ trough conveyor material at a high sectional loading will also spill on back above the screw rim on the vertical side of the casing wall. This back-spill increases the degree of loading and alters the mechanics of conveying from a 'Gravity' mode to a ‘Flood’ mode form. In ‘Gravity’ mode conveying, the material is moved forward by sliding down the surface of the screw flight blade and it advances an axial distance equal to one flight pitch for each rotation of the shaft. In ‘Flood’ mode, the machine behaves like a feeder and the material is promoted to axial motion by sliding around the inclined face. In this case, the direction of helical movement is related to the angle of contact friction between the material and the blade surface in combination with the relevant helix angle of the flight. As the flight helix angle varies along the flight face, from the rim of the flight to the shaft, the behaviour is more complicated than a conveying screw. The design of feeder screws to provide progressive extraction along the length of a hopper outlet slot should therefore take account of the wall friction of the bulk material. For a more detailed analysis, see ‘Entrainment patterns of screw hopper dischargers’ by L.Bates, ASME Jrnl. of Eng. For Ind. May 1969, pp 295 – 302. The reader will also find that literature on feeder screws is relatively sparse. They should not be designed on the basis of data relating to screw conveyors. For further information see ‘Guide to the Design, Selection and Application of Screw Feeders’ by Lyn Bates, published by The British Materials Handling Board. Contact Lyn at email given below for details.

With an inclined screw, the conveying capacity falls off progressively with shaft inclination, because to surface repose angle remains constant with the horizontal while the helix angle of the flight tilts back with the shaft inclination to become more shallow. This is where flight friction starts to become important as the bulk material has to slip on the flight face and the portion near the shaft rapidly becomes too shallow for slip to occur. A crude rule of thumb is that a standard pitch flight at 30 degrees inclination will only move about a third of its horizontal capacity. Shorter pitch flights can be used, but these move less anyway and offer only limited redress. However, in a flooded mode the screw will work at any angle, but not self-clear of product when the in-feed stops, even if the screw continues turning.

This can partly be countered by running the machine above a critical speed the amount conveyed exceeds the fall-back down the casing. Screw Elevators work in this dynamic mode, but their design is usually in the domain of specialists because of the added complexity of securing a reliable in-feed against the centrifugal force exerted by the prior contents at the inlet. A new innovation is the patented ‘Static Screw Elevator’, made by Olds Engineering and Ajax Equipment. With this the screw is stationary and the casing rotates, a combination that has many operating advantages, one of which is that the boundary layer in the casing is held static, so the capacity is far greater than a normal elevator because there is no leakage. The material is also moved much more gently, as it is driven up the spiral face by frictional drag, rather than whirled around as a highly agitated vortex.

Ribbon screws are another animal altogether and actually move more than full bladed screws as feeders. There proportions and shape, with varients such as 'Lynflow' ribbons, are uved for andling sticky and damp products, but expert advice is very desirable on their specification. Likewise, paddle blades and varients have useful, special features that can be exploited by experienced designers.

I hope that this brings a little clarity to the subject of handling by screws, which are quite often undertaken on a crude basis, some of which work well but more than a few are expensive failures. The moral is, buy cheap – take risks.

Various publications are available from on this and related subjects.

Energ jobs
(not verified)

Screw Conveyor Capacity

Erstellt am 10. Dec. 2008 - 12:08

The challenge was to eliminate dust and reduce the amount of material handling for the raw ingredients handling operation of a leading pharmaceutical company. Spiroflow’s powder handling capabilities place much emphasis on containment and compliance with the ATEX and DSEAR Directives relating to the use of their equipment in hazardous environments such as where solvents may be present in pharmaceutical applications whether for cleaning or as part of the process.Two materials are emptied into each of two separate and dedicated sack tip hoppers. These are connected to a central dust collection system to ensure no health risks to the operatives who slit the sacks open and empty their contents. Furthermore, there is also provision for the empty sacks to be disposed of directly into a sack compaction unit ready for sealing in polyethylene bags.