Renting or selling equipment for measurin flowability?

Posted in: , on 18. Oct. 2005 - 15:52

Hi all!

I’m trying to find a way to test flowability of some powders with Jenike shear cell.

My resources are not big so I would like to know answers me on these questions:

Is there any place where can I buy used Jenike shear cell?

Is there any place where can I rent Jenike shear cell?

Which laboratories can do shear test analysis for me?

How much does Jenike shear cell cost?

I’m trying to do my diploma work on that topic and if someone know a collage where they have Jenike shear cell tester please let me know.

Thanks !

Davor, Croatia

(not verified)

Re: Renting Or Selling Equipment For Measurin Flowability?

Erstellt am 19. Jan. 2006 - 09:15

Are you still looking for an instrument or lab? Try I believe that the only reliable data from a Jenike tester are data obtained from Jenike. The instrument is operator sensitive, so unless you've been trained by Jenike and Johanson, I'd either ship my samples to J&J or look for an automated tester.

Give Dr. Peschl a call. His website is Don't forget to include the hyphen when you type the address. Otherwise, you'll get Reg Freeman's website. I believe Freeman has a hundred WWW addresses that point to his location. In any event, IPT will run all the tests for you for about 1500 euros per sample, or you can lease a machine and take measurements yourself. The Peschl cell is fully automated. It takes about 5 minutes of sample preparation, and then the instrument runs automatically. By the time you've finished your coffee, the unconfined yield strength, consolidation stresses, and angles of internal friction will be displayed on the computer monitor.

I think Dr. Peschl is from Croatia so he might give you a break...