An Engineer in Court

Martin Pratt
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 28. Jun. 2005 - 13:20

As a professional engineer, have you ever been involved in any form of litigation? Your company may be involved in litigation with a supplier, customer, or a patent infringement.

Would your records face up to scrutiny?

An Engineer in Court

1-day Seminar

6 September 2005

One Birdcage Walk, London

[IMechE] Engineers throughout industry, research and academia hold very responsible positions and they frequently have to balance and prioritise numerous demands. It is not uncommon for conflicts to occur particularly with suppliers, quality and patent issues and some may need to be resolved by the legal system. When this occurs the engineer is at the forefront of any litigation and it is essential that the engineer's personal records are of the highest standards as they will undoubtedly be used by the legal team to either formulate the case or provide a defence. It may also require an engineer to appear in court as the Company expert. As an engineer would you be prepared for this eventuality, would you know what to do and where to get help?

The first half of this seminar is designed to provide industrial engineers with the best practice from engineering and other areas to enable self analysis to take place and influence personal modus operandi to ensure the highest standards of personal documentation is achieved.

The second half will provide informed guidance on the court system and what training is available if faced with the requirement to go to court. Several real situations will be used to demonstrate the process for those who have to appear as the "expert".

Members of the following organisations may attend at the IMechE Member

rate: IoP, IAgrE, IGEM, SAE-UK, TWI, SEE, SOE, RAeS, PWI and IOM3.


Martin Pratt

Marketing Executive - Research

Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Tel: (+44) 020 7973 1261

Fax: (+44) 020 7222 9881


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