Pipe Conveyor for Iron Ore

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 8. Jun. 2005 - 11:25

June 8, 2005

Dear Sir,

I am chief mechanical engineer in PT. Krakatau Engineering and have a new project iron ore handling in PT. Krakatau Steel - Indonesia. I want to use "Pipe Conveyor", but I still need information about pipe conveyor, like maximum incline degree, minimum radius, etc. That all data are usefull to design our layout in the plan.

Can you inform me technical data about capability of pipe conveyor?

I will appreciated for your attention and cooperation


Imam Widarsito

PT Krakatau Engineering


Pipe Conveyor For Iron Ore

Erstellt am 8. Jun. 2005 - 10:02

Dear sir, you can contact MR. A.R.SINGH , A hon. member of this forum and also a key man for the executing the 3.2 KM long pipe conveyor system at BIRLA COPPER, DAHEJ IN GUJARAT STATE,INDIA.


(not verified)

Pipe Conveyor For Iron Ore

Erstellt am 8. Jun. 2005 - 10:24

Dear Sir,

with more than 180 installations worldwide, we are leading company in Pipe Conveyor Technology. For pre-information please visit our website www.kochtrans.de or www.pipe-conveyor.de.

For further/detailed information please contact our head office or send me an email.

best regards

S. Brengel / Pipe Conveyor Sales

KOCH Transporttechnik GmbH

Tel. +49 6834 470-619

Fax +49 6834 470-669

Pipe Conveyor Layout

Erstellt am 8. Jun. 2005 - 06:55

Dear sir

Thakyou verymuch Mr Anil Seth for introducing us for pipe conveyors

First of all I will suggest to use belt conveyors , In case belt conveyors are not feasible or you can save some transfer points then you can try pipe conveyors.

Pipe conveyors selection and layout is to be very carefully selected by pipe conveyor suppliers however to see feasibility of layout following exercise can be done

1.0 Please don’t try pipe conveyor in case length is less than 50 meters .

2.0 For selection of pipe conveyor first of all you have to select belt speed conveyor speed selection is based on various factors like pipe diameter, material to be handled etc .

is is selected carefully by pipe conveyor designer. As a thumb rule you can preliminary select speed based on criteria specified for conventional conveyors

3.0 Pipe diameter selection is based on material size and maximum 70 percent filling at selected belt speed. In no case your pipe diameter should be less than 3 times of lump size.

4.0 Belt width based on pipe diameter nearest belt width can be selected considering minimum 150 mm belt overlap. Thumb rule for belt width selection is 4 times of pipe diameter

5.0 for making layout your pipe conveyor profile will be similar to conventional conveyor at loading point, discharged point and take up location. In addition of above you require additional transition distance after loading point skirt plate for pipe formation and at near head end for opening pipe.

Transition distance for pipe formation depends on following

5.1Belt width

.5.2 Tension in the system

5.2Type of belt fabric or steel chord

Pipe conveyor designer carefully calculate transition distance based on above factors however for making rough layout you can select transition distance 7 times the belt width in case of fabric belt and 14 times of belt width in case of steel chord belting

6.0 After having above space requirements of loading point, takeup unit transition before and after pipe formation balance space is available for pipe portion of pipe conveyor

Now you can negotiate horizontal /vertical /three dimension curves on pipe conveyor

While desiding curves please ensure curves should not overlap each other and all cuves should be within pipe formation zone

Now curve radious is also to be selected very carefully. Curve radious depends on various factors like

Type of fabric

Belt width

Belt tension at curve point

Idle penel spacing

Belt manufacturer recommendation

Steel chord belting require more radios of curvature

As tension increases along the path of conveyor curve near head end will be having more radious than near tail end

Steeper curves can be obtained by having closer idler spacing

In case you want to select proper radius then it will be difficult to explain in this forum.

However as general guidance curve radius should be grater than 100 times of selected belt width for fabric belt and 200 times the belt width in case of steel chord belts

Regarding horizontal angle conveyors are installed up to 90 degree inclination

Conveyor inclination

Pipe conveyors when running at 65 to 70 percent filling factor can negotiate 4-5 degree higher inclination. In case you feel at times conveyor will be running less than 40percent filling not advisable to go inclination higher than prescribed for belt conveyors

7.0 please donot provide horizontal curve on open portion of conveyor

I repeat above is only for guidance for actual layout pl consider experienced manufacturer and provide pipe conveyor only in case same is required.

In case pipe conveyor you can save power if you manage to save transfer points and it is intelligently designed. Other wise for straight conveyor your investment and power requirement may go up even by 20-30 percent .

in case you require any other information pl contact undersigned




Pipe Conveyor Layout

Erstellt am 8. Jun. 2005 - 07:01

Dear sir

Thakyou verymuch Mr Anil Seth for introducing us for pipe conveyors

First of all I will suggest to use belt conveyors , In case belt conveyors are not feasible or you can save some transfer points then you can try pipe conveyors.

Pipe conveyors selection and layout is to be very carefully selected by pipe conveyor suppliers however to see feasibility of layout following exercise can be done

1.0 Please don’t try pipe conveyor in case length is less than 50 meters .

2.0 For selection of pipe conveyor first of all you have to select belt speed . speed selection is based on various factors like pipe diameter, material to be handled etc .

speed is selected carefully by pipe conveyor designer. As a thumb rule you can preliminary select speed based on criteria specified for conventional conveyors

3.0 Pipe diameter selection is based on material size and maximum 70 percent filling at selected belt speed. In no case your pipe diameter should be less than 3 times of lump size.

4.0 Belt width based on pipe diameter nearest belt width can be selected considering minimum 150 mm belt overlap. Thumb rule for belt width selection is 4 times of pipe diameter

5.0 for making layout your pipe conveyor profile will be similar to conventional conveyor at loading point, discharged point and take up location. In addition of above you require additional transition distance after loading point/ skirt plate for pipe formation and near head end for opening pipe.

Transition distance for pipe formation depends on following

5.1Belt width

.5.2 Tension in the system

5.3Type of belt fabric or steel chord

5.4 pipe conveyor belt manufacturer recomendation

Pipe conveyor designer carefully calculate transition distance based on above factors however for making rough layout you can select transition distance 7 times the belt width in case of fabric belt and 14 times of belt width in case of steel chord belting

6.0 After having above space requirements of loading point, takeup unit transition before and after pipe formation balance space is available for pipe portion of pipe conveyor

Now you can negotiate horizontal /vertical /three dimension curves on pipe conveyor

While desiding curves please ensure curves should not overlap each other and all cuves should be within pipe formation zone

Now curve radious is also to be selected very carefully. Curve radious depends on various factors like

Type of fabric

Belt width

Belt tension at curve point

Idle penel spacing

Belt manufacturer recommendation

Steel chord belting require more radios of curvature

As tension increases along the path of conveyor curve near head end will be having more radious than near tail end

Steeper curves can be obtained by having closer idler spacing

In case you want to select proper radius then it will be difficult to explain in this forum.

However as general guidance curve radius should be grater than 100 times of selected belt width for fabric belt and 200 times the belt width in case of steel chord belts

Regarding horizontal angle conveyors are installed up to 90 degree inclination

Conveyor inclination

Pipe conveyors when running at 65 to 70 percent filling factor can negotiate 4-5 degree higher inclination. In case you feel at times conveyor will be running less than 40percent filling not advisable to go inclination higher than prescribed for belt conveyors

7.0 please donot provide horizontal curve on open portion of conveyor

I repeat above is only for guidance for actual layout pl consider experienced pipe conveyor manufacturer/ consultant and provide pipe conveyor only in case same is required.

In case pipe conveyor you can save power if you manage to save transfer points and it is intelligently designed. Other wise for straight conveyor your investment and power requirement may go up even by 20-30 percent .

in case you require any other information pl contact undersigned



Re: Pipe Conveyor For Iron Ore

Erstellt am 13. Jun. 2005 - 08:57

Dear Sir,

I believe you will find many experts and suppliers of pipe conveyors willing to provide preliminary guidance on the required general feasibility parameters outlining equipment size, routing sensitivities et al.

First, you need to supply critical information on the project that allows a useful/meaningful response to your question such as:

1. capacity - either t/hr, t/day, t/year

2. material properties - largest rock size, % surface moisture; density

3. terrain and related routing restrictions on inclines/declines/horiz

4. environmental sensitivities

There are many more details to be investigated after a pre-feasibility review demonstrates to you acceptable costs and complexity

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: www.conveyor-dynamics.com nordell@conveyor-dynamics.com phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
(not verified)

Pipe Connveying

Erstellt am 30. Oct. 2005 - 02:00

Dear Mr. Widarsito

PT Krakatau Engineering

For Iron Ore, you have to use dense phase conveying and a few things to be aware of in pipe layout are as follows but they are not exhaustive.

1. No inclination, must be horizontal or vertical.

2. Use 90 degree bend only. minimize number of bends.

3. different companies used different radius bends.

We are a penuamtic conveying system provider in USA with over 32 years of solid experience in many industries. We can provide free general consultation & quotes to our customer. Please visit our website at www.cyclonaire.com for further information. I am stationing in Shanghai, China.

Alexander Yu

General Manager - Pacific Asia

Tel / Fax : 86-21-62682497

Mobile : 86-13901818987

Pipe Conveying Versus Pneumatic Transport

Erstellt am 16. Dec. 2005 - 09:19

Dear Sir,

please keep in mind the huge energy consumtion using compressed air for transport. Initial investment may be less but within a year or so so advantage will be eaten away by the energy costs. Second important point: iron ore is quite abrasive. So look for the bends to be replaced frequently even if made of expensive wear resistant material.

So clearly the pipe conveyor is the better solution. Next to experienced suppliers like Koch and Beumer you may fnd also others Your nearest Beumer expertis placed in our Bangkok office. You can contact Frank Lauerbach via +66 (2) 731 7190 or you find us on the internet as www.beumer.com


Dr. Holger Lieberwirth TAKRAF E-mail: holger.lieberwirth@takraf.com Internet: www.takraf.com

Re: Pipe Conveyor For Iron Ore

Erstellt am 23. Dec. 2005 - 04:43

Dear Mr. Imam Widarsito,

Earlier respondents have given detailed information in connection with the pipe conveyors. The best option is to contact the manufacturers of pipe conveyors and get their suggestion about the pipe conveyor basic parameters such as speed, pipe diameter, belt width etc and if possible the probable route marking. The speed and pipe diameter will depend upon material size and material specific characteristics, capacity, etc. In addition to the information given by other people, I would like to mention that the belt has to be flat at the take-up. If you put the take-up at intermediate location, then it would require the arrangement for pipe to flat to pipe. However, if you can put this directly at tail end, it will avoid such necessity.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Author of Book : Belt Feeder Design and Hopper Bin Silo

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email : parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916