Stock pile Arrangment

Posted in: , on 13. Apr. 2005 - 13:48

Hi Everyone,

I have to stock 12 diffrent plots of 30,000 Cubic Meter of minerals.

I want to work out the best combination of stackers and reclaimers.

I dont want order more than necessary.

I will reeive 1500 Cu.M/hour of mineral at all times of day and night.

So stacking is continious.

Reclaiming has to be fast and independent of stacking.

reclaim has to be at a peak rete of 2500 CU.M an hour.

Is it Ok to have two stackers and one reclaimer and the stock piles in 2 X 6 Matrix??

Only if the reclaimer is down the penalty will be very high.

Can anyone suggest a better layout Please

My head is spinning out of control already

I am looking for some experienced help


B. J. Jacob


B. J. Jacob Chennai

Stock Pile Arrangement

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2005 - 05:57

Dear Mr. Jacob

We noted your interest in Stackers/Reclaimers. Perhaps we can offer assistance once you have decided on the number of machines.

We have a couple of SURPLUS STACKER-RECLAIMERS availble. Please consider:

*(1) Complete stock pile yard. (2) 4000tph Stacking, each, and 1500tph reclaim, each.

*All conveyors

*All sampling

*All sorting

*Dust suppression

*All electrics and controls

*Load out

Also, (1) 1000tph Rail mtd. Stacker only. Unit travels between stockpiles and stacks both sides of rail. Comes with conveyors, dock hoppers, and assorted items.

Please feel free to contact me anytime.


Phone: (306)-664-7260 Canada

Best Regards,

Al Goodmundson

Stockpile Arrangement

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2005 - 05:58

Mr. Jacob:

Our company, EDC inc, is experienced in transshipment facilities, such as you describe. What you suggest, using two stackers and one reclaimer, is acceptable. However, depending on your needs, it may be possible to use one stacker and one reclaimer. There are also a number of other possibilites which can be explored. The stockpile dimensions, plant layout, etc. will be required to determine the optimum and most cost effective arrangement.

Please visit our website at to learn about EDC inc. We would like to discuss this with you further. If you are interested, please contact me at


Walter J. Herbst

Stockpile Arrangement

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2005 - 06:12

Dear Mr. Jacob

We noted your stockpile project. Perhaps we can be of assistance, once you have decided on the number of machines. We have a couple of Surplus Stacker-Reclaimer packages. Please consider:

(1) Complete Stock yard. (2) rail mtd. Stacker-Reclaimers rated 4000/1500tph each. Comes with all conveyors, sorting, sampling, dust suppression, load-out, and electrics.

Also, (1) 1000tph rail mtd. Stacker only. Travels between (2) stockpiles and stacks both directions off rails. Comes with dock hoppers, conveyor, and assorted items.

Both packages are in excellent condition. ALSO, A COUPLE OF SHIP LOADERS/UNLOADERS AVAILABLE. Please feel free to contact our company anytime.


Phone: (306)-664-7260 Canada.


Al Goodmundson

Re: Stock Pile Arrangment

Erstellt am 13. Apr. 2005 - 07:36

Dear Mr. Jacob,

Stock yard system arrangement layout depends upon the land marked for installation of system. This land should have provision for easy receipt and dispatch of material. Also, the information on frequency of arrival / dispatch and demurrage charges etc. are also very important issues. These aspects are not known, hence it is difficult to make specific suggestion. The suggestion also depends upon capital investment, yearly recovery etc. However, in general, I would like to inform as below.

You have already planned to have two numbers of stackers and one number of reclaimer. Please think about the option to install one stacker and one reclaimer now, and keep provision for installing second stacker and second reclaimer in next stage expansion. This will stagger out the investment and it will also make the project implementation easy.

If you have got only one reclaimer and suppose there is some accident, or sudden maintenance problem / procurement requiring certain time, then you will not be able to operate the dispatch part of the system during this period. Is this acceptable for the kind of service your plant is to render? If this is acceptable, then you can have one reclaimer.


Ishwar G Mulani.

Author of Book : Engineering Science and Application Design for Belt Conveyors.

Advisor / Consultant for Bulk Material Handling System & Issues.

Email :

Tel.: 0091 (0)20 25882916

Reclaimer Headache

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2005 - 05:05

Greetings from the "Frozen Easten Wilderness",

to solve your problem you have to decide if you want an underground reclaim or a surface reclaim.

if you install your stockpiles in line with a common over head feed belt with one and only one overhead tripper/diverter for all six stock piles you will save your self a lot of head aches as you will only need one under ground below grade draw point per stock pile using a small apron feeder mounted under a concrete feed works etc. I almost forgot that you will only need one continuos excavation to install everything and the foundation for the delivery belt for all six stock piles can be installed at the same time with the ore drawpoint systems and covered over with box culvert system and then buried at a safe depth to allow operation of machinery- remember to take in to account what weight machinery you intend to use when designing the box culvert system for the ore recovery set up.

Using one common belt for the entire length and a large dozer or front end loader to clean up and reclaim the material that falls away from the draw point, eliminates the need for a tracked bucket wheel reclaimer, perimeter belt etc.

If the drawpoint apron feeders are set up at a right angle to the drawpoint belt they will not be in the way if you need to work on the belt as well and belt maintenanace is easier as well.

as with any bulk solid the simpler the better.

The safety triangle:




Reclaimer Headaches

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2005 - 05:23


The simple way to slove your problem is to have all six stock piles in line with single stock pile belt tripper feeding all six stock piles mounted on an elevated steel works.

A single drawpoint belt underneath all six stock piles utilizing an apron feeder mounted at a right angle the underground reclaim belt to allow for easy maintenance of the conveyor will work nicely.

If you do it this way you will be able to have one excavation for the overhead conveyor foundation and the underground draw works at the same time.

You would be able to use a large concrete box culvert system and have a quick set up. The same excavator that opens the trench can set the box culvert in the hole as it moves down the line

This eliminates the need for multiple reclaimers and stackers by keeping it linear both above ground and below grade.


keeping it simple avoids headaches later :^)

Stock Pile Headache

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2005 - 05:33

to make it very easy all you will need to do is install as ix stock piles line with each other and have one overhead stock pille conveyor with a tripper and only one reclaim conveyor for the entire length of the six stock piles - using an apron feeder set at a right angle to the reclaim conveyor with make it much easier to do maintenance on the belt of apron feeder if needed

Utlizing a box culvert system will speed instalation of the overhead conveyor and foundation for the overhead belt since the excavator can excavate the trench for the tripper belt foundation and set a box culvert for the reclaimm system as well

keep it simple


Steve Maxwell
(not verified)

Solution To Stockpile Arrangement

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2005 - 07:59

Hello B. J. Jacob,

I would recommend that simulation modelling be undertaken to determine the best stockyard layout and number of stackers and reclaimers required.

It is common practice to undertake this analysis prior to significant capital investment being undertaken.

Whilst my company QMASTOR Ltd provides stockyard modelling and operational information systems and services, we have partners here in Newcastle Australia that specialise in performing the simulation and modelling services that you need in your situation.

Please call or email me and I will provide you with their contact details and company profile including relevant experience.


Steve Maxwell

Marketing Manager



+61 2 49682090 +61 408547865

AMECO SA - France
(not verified)

Re: Stock Pile Arrangment

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2005 - 09:57

Originally posted by bmplogis

Hi Everyone,

I have to stock 12 diffrent plots of 30,000 Cubic Meter of minerals.

I want to work out the best combination of stackers and reclaimers.

I dont want order more than necessary.

I will reeive 1500 Cu.M/hour of mineral at all times of day and night.

So stacking is continious.

Reclaiming has to be fast and independent of stacking.

reclaim has to be at a peak rete of 2500 CU.M an hour.

Is it Ok to have two stackers and one reclaimer and the stock piles in 2 X 6 Matrix??

Only if the reclaimer is down the penalty will be very high.

Can anyone suggest a better layout Please

My head is spinning out of control already

I am looking for some experienced help


It appears that the capacity for your reclaimer is quite high for a reclaimer with one arm only. It could then be of an advantage to your system to have two machines reclaiming at the same time half the required capacity, and this would allow you if one reclaimer is down for maintenance, the other one could still reclaim at half the capacity. You are speaking about having two stackers and a pile arrangement of two lines of six piles. This could easily be serviced by one sluing and luffing stacker located centrally in between the piles. Of course should the stacker require maintenance, then it would be difficult to unload your 1500m3/h during that time, but then a stacker is less troublesome as a reclaimer which is much more sollicitated due to the fact that it is digging in the product. The two reclaimers could also become one reclaimer with two arms, but in this case a transfer car would be required to move the reclaimer from one pile line to the other. Should be interested in getting aquote, do not hesitate to contact me at : Hoping to hear from you soon, we remain,

Sincerely yours.

AMECO SA - France
(not verified)

12 Stockpiles

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2005 - 10:13


It looks like the reclaiming rate that you envision is quite high and could only be achieved with a reclaimer having two parralell reclaiming arms. You also have a question which is what will it be if the reclaimer is down for maintenance?? You think about having two rows of six piles each, and this is fine, but should you have only one reclaimer, then you must have another device that will allow you to move the reclaimer from one pile line to the other, this device is called a transfer car, placed at the end of the pile line where the reclaimer is working and allowing te reclaimer to move on top of it to be shuttled to the next line of piles if so required. You are also speaking about having two stackers, although the two rows of piles could be services by one stacker having the capabilities of traveling, sluing and luffing. Of course in this case, should the stacker be down, it would be difficult to receive materials, except if you have somewhere an emergency device allowing you to make an emergency pile that could be reclaimed using front end loaders. Should you be interested in getting further information, including a quote for thess materials, please do not hesitate to contact us by mail at address:

Sincerely yours.

Stockpile Arrangement (New)

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2005 - 11:28

dear jacob, we will design the system for you,please note that we did the entire system for SICL at NLC,TAMILNADU and rapid wagon loading system at vadalur on the behalf of FREDRICK R HARRIS.

please note that among 5 bidders forfor this job, only our turnkey cotractor got the job. we also did the entire 5 million t p a unloading system from ship consist of--stacking ,reclaiming, rapid loading system and feeding to power plant for port at GOGULERU CREEK, on the behalf of rites.please do not spin your head,come to professionals.

libran seth


Stockpile Arrangement (New)

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2005 - 12:02

dear mr. jacob, first of all please do not spin your head,this is bad for the health.

now we ,want to bring to your kind notice that we have designed 5 million tonnes per annum coal handling system on the behalf of rites at GOGULERU CREEK,where we have ship unloading arrangement ,conveyor systems,stacking,reclaiming,rapid load out system and feeding to power plant.

we have also done the entire lignite handling system on the behalf of M/S FREDRICK R HARRIS FOR M/S SICL at NLC. tamil nadu,please note that among five turnkey contractors only our contractor got the job,we also did the system designing for rapid load out system at VADALUR.

Stock Pile Headache

Erstellt am 15. Apr. 2005 - 08:27

I am writing this reply for the fifth time so here I go again.

Regarding you problems with design fo your stock piles:


Assuming you have the room you should install all six stock piles linearly one after the other.

This will allow you to do two installations at once for the reclaim and stock pile conveyor systems.

The fastest way to install your stock pile system in my opinion is to use a box culvert system placed below grade to install the reclaim half

of the system.

Utilising concrete box culverts installed in line from one end to the other of the 6 stock piles will speed installation of the reclaim system.

By using the excavator to dig the trench for the box culverts you can dig out the foundation holes fot the over head tripper conveyor at the same time.

This also allows you to install a central draw point for each indivdual stock pile.

One continous belt for the stock piling and

one below grade continous belt for the reclaim of all six stock piles.

The use of a box culvert to create an underground conveyor belt tunnel helps as it keeps it out of the weather as well.

Placing the box culvert deep enough also allows you to create a cone of depression for the draw point as well eliminating the need for any extra equipment and headaches.

Using an apron feeder set at a right angle to the reclaim belt allows you plenty of room for maintenance and also to have a second apron feeder in case of a breakdown of the number 1 feeder for that individual stock pile

All you will need is a large front end loader or

dozer to push material towards the drawpoint when


Keep it simple and reduce your headaches.


Re: Stock Pile Arrangment

Erstellt am 20. Apr. 2005 - 08:11

Hello Everyone,

Thank you all for the replies

Please Keep the suggestions comming I find them very usefull and help see diffrent aspects.

Thank you Mr. Minet for your valuable comments on using a transfere cars.

lzaharis Thank you for the advice on using box culverts. For some reason we are at the moment not able to install Ground Bunkers; as we call what you describe, here. May be in the future when we have to ramp up the capacity we will build one. The big reason they have against using undergound reclaimers is that it would take a lot of time to build.

Yesterday i met some persons operationg a Iron ore terminal. they are of the opinion that their reclaimers (Capacity 3000Te.PH) give only 1000 TPH when they have reclaim out of reach stocks in the pile.

Is this the norm?? or can this be avoided by use of proper; equipment or stockpile, design.

Thanks again Mr. Anil Seth, Steve Maxwell and Mr. I G Mulani

All comments have been very valuable.

Kindly keep postiong your Thoughts as I feel enriched>

B. J. Jacob Chennai

Re: Stock Pile Arrangment

Erstellt am 20. Apr. 2005 - 08:18

Dear Mr. Anil Seth,

I had the opportuinty to see the Merry Go Round Rail loading system at vadalur.

You Had mentioned GOGULERU CREEK , do you have a stacking reclaiming system there??

Like to hear of your xperience at GOGULERU CREEK.

My E- Mail :

Look forward to hear from you.


B. J. Jacob Chennai

Stockpile Arrangement

Erstellt am 20. Apr. 2005 - 10:15

dear jacob, thanks for your reply,

regarding vadalur i designed the system to load 5500 tpd lignite without having 3000 t conc. silo OVER THE SYSTEM for FREDRICK R HARRIS , now in india the problem with some consultants is that they do not want to go for latest systems and always rely on old methods where they have always/want to have a stand by system ,SOME TOP CONSULTANT i do not want to name here suggested the conc. silo,when it was not needed,the cost of conc. silo was80%of the equipment cost,so the poor client has to pay extra for that also,you see in coal sector in india,why we do not have coal?,we have enough coal but, the facilities for mining for the same are not designed to meet the market demand.

regarding GOGULERU CREEK,i designed the entire system for m/s RITES,in this they have ship unloading arrangement,conveying system,stackers and reclaimers,rapid loading system etc.

regards, anil seth

Stockpile Arrangement

Erstellt am 21. Jun. 2005 - 09:05

Hello Everyone,

The stockpile arrangement is still a big question!!!

One day I wrote down all the constraints and objectives and then we made a model of what it will cost for each of the option and we were able to zero in on the Present and future stockpile and stacker(S) Reclaimer(s) layout.

Now to share with you the good news ........

We won the job and that makes all the effort and running around worth it.

The forum gave us invaluable guidance and direction.

Thank You All


B. J. Jacob Chennai
(not verified)

Stock Piling - Reclaiming Of Multiple Minerals

Erstellt am 27. Jun. 2005 - 05:08

What you need is a lay out of parallal linear stock piles with a track at each end of the piles with combination stacker reclaimer machines. The tracks at either end will allow transfer of machines from one stockpile to another. There shall be a take away conveyor below the machines turn around track. Some years ago there was a stack-Rec machine promoted and supplied by individual based in in Belgium named Bellotti. I have lost track of him. Others who have been in this business long enough to know please share your thoughts about the concept laid out here. NTPC and Vizag Port Authorities must have layed out similar arrangements