Dust Collection of good product

Posted in: , on 19. Mar. 2005 - 05:30

I work in food processing and our tableting operation has just over 4% waste. Hardly any of this is floor scrap, most comes from our dust collection system. Product Blend is over 90% powdered sorbitol. It looks like more than fines are being sucked up in my dust collection system. How can I tell, and how can I reduce my good product from going into the trash bin?

Finished Product Help

Erstellt am 19. Mar. 2005 - 04:57

Greetings from the slowly defrosting frozen wilderness, what you need is a sizing sieve -go to the ben meadows catalog or lab safety supply and that will solve your problem in regard to determining useable product loss.

One question though, do you have a cyclone to separate fines?
