IFS Spring Meeting

(not verified)


A meeting of The International Fertiliser Society has been arranged for Thursday 14 April on the general topic of: 'Quality Criteria and Spreading Characteristics of Blended and Other Granular Fertilisers'. The Meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Geological Society in Piccadilly, London, as usual. Doors open for coffee at 09.30, with the first presentation at 10.30. The Meeting will conclude before 16.00 hrs and is open to all.

We will have six presentations at the Meeting, which discusses segregation of fertilisers and spreading patterns, spreader testing, measurement and classification of fertilisers according to 'spreadability', and the latest guidelines from the European Blenders Association. This will be a valuable Meeting to many, and a good attendance by Members and others is expected. The Society is particularly pleased to have the assistance of those European Agricultural Engineers who are involved in this area of work, and to have presentations from their group. A follow-up Workshop to this Meeting is planned for early autumn, probably at Leuven University in Belgium.

Details of the Meeting, with a Registration form, can be requested as PDF and it will be most helpful to receive completed forms from delegates as soon as convenient. I look forward to seeing you at the Meeting.


Mr Chris Dawson


The International Fertiliser Society

PO Box 4

York YO32 5YS

United Kingdom

Telephone and Fax: +44 (0)1904 492 700

Mobile/Cellphone: +44 (0)7946 355 810

E-Mail: secretary@fertiliser-society.org


The Society is an Affiliate Member of IFA

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