Formats for the management of the conveyors

Posted in: , on 8. Feb. 2005 - 20:14

We are interested in establishing a system of quality for the management of the documentation of the maintenance of conveyors. We are a mexican company but we feel necessary to learn of the best companies.

somebody can help us? We began to create the necessary documentation but I would like to have a reference for doing it of an effective way.

I hope somebody can give us a controlled copy of manual of quality or the operative technician.

Standardization for the conveyor belts,

Best regads & saludos.

Felipe Velasco

Tip Top Industrial, S.A. de C.V.

tel.: +55 56199665

fax: +55 56199415

Felipe V. C.

Re: Formats For The Management Of The Conveyors

Erstellt am 8. Feb. 2005 - 08:27

Felipe Velasco

Are you referring to maintenance of conveyors or in a production sense? What type of product are you conveying and at what capacity? Belt size range?

Your question is very loose.

If you could be more specific you will probably get a more productive answer.


Gary Blenkhorn

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Re: Formats For The Management Of The Conveyors

Erstellt am 8. Feb. 2005 - 09:41


Any maintenance program would be specific to the operation. I don't know of any one document that would be in general.

Many manufacturers will give you recommended maintenance for their particular product. I would start with a belt manufacturer's recommended maintenance. IE,

and check out the care and maintenance sections as well as the troubleshooting section.

I am sure Goodyear have a similar section on their site.

Then you can do the same with the idlers, pulleys, bearings, scrapers, etc.

Everyone uses different type of ways to drive a conveyor so this could go on forever. Monitoring gearbox temperature and oil sample analysis are good preventative maintenance checks.

Monitoring roller bearing temperature during a preventative maintenance check. Infra red scanning is probably the best way to go.

Hope this helps,

Gary Blenkhorn

Gary Blenkhorn
President - Bulk Handlng Technology Inc.
Linkedin Profile:

Offering Conveyor Design Services, Conveyor Transfer Design Services and SolidWorks Design Services for equipment layouts.

Conveyor System Maintenance

Erstellt am 8. Feb. 2005 - 10:46

Creating a generic maintenance program for conveyor systems has been a life long process for many companies and individuals and frankly if done well is a very valuable piece of IP. There are many very good handboooks which give you a starting point but as I found, the more you work with clients, the more you realise to what extent maintenance skill levels have deteriorated over the years on sites. The consequence is many companies are outsourcing this responsibility but this in itself solves nothing if the skill levels and understanding of the maintenance requirements are not addressed.

What we see on most sites is work being done over and over again with no understanding how, through root cause analysis, this work could be eliminated. The reason no analysis is done is the maintenance personnel do not have the materials handling training to do the analysis. I say this as you have two choices in your approach, do the work to a routine without thinking (very safe as most do it this way) or try to make a difference by taking a professional approach. The second line of attack starts in my opinion with training of you and your people and through this training you will create techniques that distinguishes what you do from others.