Harbour Pontoon Crane

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Posted in: , on 4. Feb. 2005 - 11:41

First Gottwald HPK Harbour Pontoon Crane in Operation –

Dedication Ceremony on the Mississippi River, Louisiana, USA

Düsseldorf (Germany), 4 February 2005 – An enthusiastic crowd of people gathered in Convent on the Lower Mississippi River, Louisiana, USA, on 3 February 2005, to celebrate the first HPK Harbour Pontoon Crane from Gottwald Port Technology in a great dedication ceremony.

As the world's leading supplier of Mobile Harbour Cranes with more than 900 cranes installed globally, Gottwald Port Technology had added the HPK Harbour Pontoon Crane series to its portfolio in summer 2004 and sold the first HPK 330 EG to St. James Stevedoring Company, Inc. – one of the leaders in bulk cargo handling on the Lower Mississippi River, Louisiana, USA – who was looking for new barge mounted cranes for its mid-stream operations. Being mounted to a pontoon (or barge crane as is called in USA), the HPK Harbour Pontoon Crane is intended for direct transloading of cargo from large vessels to river barges.

The dedication ceremony for the new HPK 330 EG Harbour Pontoon Crane attracted a large number of bulk materials shippers, Mississippi River barge operators, port officials, mid-stream stevedores and terminal operators who were attending the parallel MVTTC (Mississippi Valley Trade and Transportation Council) 2005 World Trade & Transport Conference in New Orleans.

“This day is a true milestone for both St. James and Gottwald,” said Dr. Mathias Dobner, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at Gottwald Port Technology, who delivered a speech during the event. “We are grateful to St. James Stevedoring Company, Inc., as first customer and concept initiator of this new type of crane, for placing their confidence in our company. This is not simply a new crane being installed. This order marks the beginning of a new product series and Gottwald is once again asserting its position as a pioneer in developing untapped markets.”

The new crane is named “Alex G”, after the owner Alex Goldberger who said in his address: “The addition of the ‘Alex G’ into our fleet of floating bulk cargo cranes is a proud moment. It is a concrete expression of our confidence in the future of St. James Stevedoring Company, Inc., a recognition that our customers deserve the very best in bulk transfer services and a signal that Gottwald technology is the wave of the future in mid-stream stevedoring operations.”

HPK 330 EG Harbour Pontoon Crane – Technical Features

The new Gottwald crane uses the same proven technologies as the Gottwald HMK Mobile Harbour Cranes. From the slewing ring upwards the HPK is similar to the HMK – the only difference: it is mounted to a pontoon instead of the rubber-tyred chassis characteristic for the standard HMK version. The proven four-rope grab crane suitable for continuous professional bulk handling is equipped with a diesel-electric drive, the common feature of all the larger Gottwald Harbour Cranes. With handling rates of up to 900 tph, the HPK 330 EG conveys bulk cargo, such as fertilizers, ores, coal, sugars and agribulks, from the large vessels coming into the mouth of the Mississippi River to the river barges that then carry the valuable loads on the 14,000 miles navigable inland waterway system to the hinterland.

The crane operates at lifting capacities of 40 t in grab operation up to 30 metres, 31 t up to 40 metres and 21 t up to 50 metres. Lifting capacity on hook is 63 t. Hoisting speed is 120 m/min. Maximum slewing speed is 1.5 rpm and luffing speed is 60 m/min. The crane unit is mounted on a 65 m x 22 m deck barge with a draft of 4.6 m. The entire HPK crane unit on the barge can be moved up and down the river to discharge ships anchored at many different locations on the Lower Mississippi River.

Crane Assembly on the Lower Mississippi – Close Partnership

While 3 February 2005 marked the official dedication, the HPK 330 EG Harbour Pontoon Crane already handled its first shipment on 15 December 2004, after successful on-site assembly. “The entire erection and commissioning of the HPK went very well and before the crane was even ready to start operating we had a strong interest in the HPK from other mid-stream stevedores. I believe there is a strong potential for the Gottwald HPK and I am confident this new product line will be well accepted in the region,” said Rafael Gonzalez, Gottwald District Sales Manager for the Gulf and Mississippi ports.

The installation work at the customer’s facility in Convent was done by specialists from Gottwald in partnership with experts from St. James. The customer was involved in the project closely from the development stage through completion. While Gottwald was providing well-proven HMK technology, St. James was in charge of the pontoon or barge, which had to be adapted for the installation of the new HPK 330 EG. Commenting on Gottwald’s first manufacturing project for this new product Paul E. Morton, Vice President and General Manager of St. James Stevedoring Company, Inc., said: “From the first planning meeting, final shipyard work, unloading of the ship through final commissioning and turnover, the professionalism, technical knowledge and attention to detail of Gottwald’s team was amazing. They worked very hard to keep things on schedule. And last but not least the Gottwald specialists were a pleasure to work with and we were all sorry to see them leave as they had become part of our St. James family. I think I can sum it up by saying that Gottwald did everything it promised it would do, and then some extra, and I know that St. James and Gottwald will reap the benefits of this extra effort.”

Mathias Dobner concluded: “With the HPK Harbour Pontoon Crane Gottwald again breaks new ground in an innovative approach focused on equipment adapted to individual needs. This is the second product line established by Gottwald in its commitment to answering customer and market requirements. In 1998, we developed the HSK Portal Harbour Crane, combining HMK technology with rail-mounted portals. Initiator was also at that time a customer on the Mississippi. In the meantime a complete range of HSK cranes is available and 22 units have been sold worldwide. We are sure that the order for the HPK Harbour Pontoon Crane is again a starting point for a new product series providing a true source of benefit for port and terminal operators not only on the Mississippi River, but all over the world.”

About Gottwald Port Technology

Gottwald Port Technology GmbH, located in Düsseldorf (Germany), is the world’s leading supplier of Mobile Harbour Cranes ( HMK series ). The company produces a comprehensive range of Mobile Harbour Cranes with lifting capacities of up to 120 tonnes and radii of up to 56 m, in addition to the rail-mounted Portal Harbour Cranes ( HSK series ), the Wide Span Gantries launched at the beginning of 2003 and the HPK Harbour Pontoon Cranes launched in summer 2004. Apart from this, Gottwald also offers a multitude of services for terminal operators. These services range from conceptual design and operational layout, basic engineering of equipment and systems to Automated Guided Vehicles and Automated Container Stackers. The company presently has a workforce of around 690 employees in Düsseldorf and the turnover for the financial year 2003/2004 (as of 30 September) is €195 million.

About St. James Stevedoring Company, Inc.

Since 1985, St. James Stevedoring Company, Inc. has been one of the leaders in dry bulk cargo handling on the Lower Mississippi River. Located approximately 60 miles north of New Orleans, St. James Stevedoring Company, Inc. operates within the jurisdiction of the Port of South Louisiana, the largest port in the United States, and third largest port in the World. The company uses cargo-handling techniques that have proven to be the fastest and most cost effective methods of transferring large quantities of dry bulk cargo between ships and river barges. The three stevedoring terminals operated by St. James Stevedoring Company, Inc. offer customers full services to assure prompt and efficient cargo handling.

For more information on Gottwald Port Tehnology,

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