Open Hatch Loading of Dusty Cargo

Posted in: , on 19. Jan. 2005 - 12:01

Hi All,

I would like to get some feedback on what end users have found to be successful (?) for loading dusty bulk material cargoes in open hatch mode....esp. when trying to trim the load in the hatch.


traditional loading bell

cascade type chutes

chocked chute - load sensors and proportional arc/flow gate

rotary valve types.

any others?

All with or without dust collection facilities.



Dust Control Hopper

Erstellt am 20. Jun. 2006 - 08:16

With dusty products the fugitive dust profile is established within the first 1 m of discharge from a conveyor. If the product can be de-aerated then it can free fall for 5 m or more without a corona of fugitive dust.


Free Fall
(not verified)


Erstellt am 1. Aug. 2006 - 05:19

Hi James

what material are you loading