Belt Strength and Mechanical Fasterner Rating

Posted in: , on 10. Jan. 2005 - 21:21

I am interested in buying some belt fasteners. I noticed that some brand (such as Flexco) uses Mechanical Fastener Rating (KN/M) and some brand (such as Mato) uses Belt Strength (KN/M) in their product description. Do you know if these two are the same? If not, what is the difference or relation between them?

Re: Belt Strength And Mechanical Fasterner Rating

Erstellt am 11. Jan. 2005 - 03:30

Please read your question again.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Re: Belt Strength And Mechanical Fasterner Rating

Erstellt am 27. Feb. 2005 - 08:41

Maybe you wanted to know what is the difference between N/mm and KN/m. It's the same ! K is an abbreviation for Kilo and is the international symbol for 1,000.

But if you want to buy some belt fasteners take care about following things:

1) The manufacturers of fasteners have developed fasteners in order to reach more than 50 % of the strength of the belt. Mostly not more ! This strength is only a static strength measured under labor conditions on a new and perfect belt. If the belt carcass is poor quality (old belt, low cost belt) it's better to calculate with the real working tension and to aks the manufacturer.

2) You have forgot the third manufacturer of Fastener. It's Minet Lacing Technology, who have developed some very new and innovating fasteners in order to permit the installation without the need of a specific tooling (the tooling cost is 10 to 30 time the cost of one fastener!) and without the need of high skilled people.

The Super-Screw fastener i.e. is also compatible with most of the scrapers (also with hard metal blade) and is leak proof like a hot splice. So if you want to take something other than a hot splice I recommand to have a look on

Re: Belt Strength And Mechanical Fasterner Rating

Erstellt am 28. Feb. 2005 - 01:42


The choice of mechanical fasteners depends on the type of belt and process requirements.

Top general purpose mechanical fasteners for heavy-duty belting include Flexco and Minet. The Mato fastener is a special purpose fastener that works well with straight warp carcass belts.

Note that mechanical fastener strength percentage ratings normally refer to the belt rating, not to the ultimate belt strength that includes a large safety factor. Belt and fasteners strengths may be expressed in terms of kN/m, N/mm, or PIW (Pounds per inch of width). The strength expressions of the metric and Imperial systems can be easily converted from one to another using basic conversion factors.

It is usually a good idea to check with your belt manufacturer for input on fastener choices.

Hope thius helps.

Dave Miller ADM Consulting 10668 Newbury Ave., N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685 USA Tel: 001 330 265 5881 FAX: 001 330 494 1704 E-mail: