Online drying of Met Coke

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 13. Dec. 2004 - 11:43

Dear all,

Has anybody tried to dry the LAM coke while on belt or screens using solar reflectors? I am talking about plants located in hot (38 - 46 deg. C) and dry area.

How to remove inherent moisture generally 4-5 % in the coke, without generating the fines?

On removal, will the dry coke again pick up the moisture from atmosphere?


(not verified)

Re: Online Drying Of Met Coke

Erstellt am 15. Dec. 2004 - 06:44

Dear all,

Can somebody tell me about using Infra red lamps for online drying of cargo. How effective they are? Can we use them for 300 - 400 TPH conveying system?


Solar Drying

Erstellt am 15. Dec. 2004 - 11:24

Just an idea.

Your application is interesting enough . can you be more specific on the shape, size and bed depth you are intending to use.

Solar reflectors can handle many jobs but are limited by the collection area available you can get I beileve one watt per square meter , I will check anyway.

You must run some numbers as for the amounth on energy required to evaporate the humidity in the coke, then you must know in what form is the water associated , this will tell you if the coque will re hidratate. If you are in Munbay you are in a fairly humid region,

then you must be able to get the coque to receive the solar radiation and if possible add a cristal box ro keep the radiation bouncing back into the coque.

shor wavelengths will turn into long wavelenghts once impacting the coque, glass and may plastics will keep this long wavelength radiation confined helpin you increase the temperature of the coque.

India is famous for their solar collectors, get local help from a solar collector guy. the rest is only materials handling , you might need to spread the cargo in the belts and maybe turn it over.

Have you thougt of solar heating a gas and passing it trough a vessel with your coque in. maybe as a preheating stage . this will help in the heat distribution and reduce the need for turning over the load.



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