Coal 2005

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Posted in: , on 30. Sep. 2004 - 11:27

COAL 2005

6th Australasian Coal Operators’ Conference and Workshop

26 - 28 April 2005

Sheraton Hotel, Brisbane

The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,

Southern Queensland Branch,

In Association with Illawarra Branch


• All papers will be reviewed – entitling presenters to 50 hours accreditation to CP

• Case studies will be given high priority in selection of papers

• We encourage papers from International Speakers

• Expression of Interest from Sponsors, Workshops and Exhibitors

Papers are invited concerning the following topics:

• Management

• Human Resources and Graduate Programs

• Mining Legislation

• Resource and Reserves Codes

• Maintenance Management

• Geosciences

• Ground Control

• Surface Mining

• Underground Mining

• Mining Contractors

• Coal Markets

• Processing and Distribution

• Environmental Aspects

• Land Title

• Gas Management

• Heating and Explosions

• Health and Safety

• Emergency Preparedness

• Research and Development

• Education

• Sustainability.


We invite authors wishing to present papers at Coal 2005 to submit an abstract not exceeding 300 words, in English.

Abstracts may be forwarded to:

Ms Angie Spry

Publications Coordinator

The AusIMM

The schedule is:

Closing date for receipt of Abstracts

• 29 November 2004

Authors notified of acceptance of Papers

• 20 December 2004

Closing date for receipt of Papers

• 17 January 2005

Please submit your Expression of Interest to:

Alison McKenzie, Senior Conference and Events Coordinator,

The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

PO Box 660, Carlton South, Victoria, Australia 3053

Telephone: +61 3 9662 3166

Facsimile: +61 3 9662 3662

Email: Website:

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