Who you gonna call... for Spray Dryers?

Posted in: , on 6. Aug. 2004 - 00:25

Greetings all,

I'm doing some pre-research for an upcoming paper and would greatly appreciate some help getting a birds-eye view of the spray dryer market.

Two quick questions:

* who are the Big 5 or 10 in the market?

* who are the widely acknowledged experts in spray dryer design and implementation? where can I find them?

Thank you for your help and industry wisdom.


Nik W.

Wharton School of Business '05

Dryer Market

Erstellt am 18. Dec. 2008 - 08:05

Hi. Did you ever get a response to your inqury as to the dryer market?

Did you finish your paper?



Vagn Westergaard From Niro

Erstellt am 19. Dec. 2008 - 03:54

Vagn Westergaard M. Sc. (Dairy Technology), age 59, Deputy Division Manager with special responsibility for the dairy market