Used Conveyor

Erstellt am 27. Jul. 2004 - 02:01


I wanted to let you know about the pnuetrans company, limited in Toronto, canada

the link to their site is

Mr. Brink Weaver has developed a capsule pipeline system to deliver ores of all types.

the system conssists of wheeled carrier trucks that are pushed by

low pressure high volume air.

it is almost the exact same thing as dealing with a tube at a bank

drive in.

the web site above will give you all the information you need:

For starters the minimum economic amount of ore hauled would be 100000 tons per year.

the smallest diameter capsule pipeline system is 12 inches I.D.

very low maintenance, no emergency stops to worry about,

no pulleys to grease, no posibility of belt fires, no training of belts,

no splices, no power cables running along the length of the conveyor to power drive units, many more advantages are listed at the pnuetrans web site.

the ore is dumped in to a large hopper and it is loaded into the invidual capsule pipelinew truck carriers by a dry material metering valve. the ore trains that ride in the tube are five cars long in a set. the cars hoppers are on swivel bearings and the entire hopper is rotated to dump the load while it remains inside the wheel sets of each car. Each car has 4 to six wheels to ride inside the pipe line and the cars have flexible flanges that act as sails to allow for air volume to push the car sets to their destination and back.

Much more information is available at their web site.


Ps you can also generate electricity using synchronous motors

to power the blowers and put power back in the system

(not verified)

Re: Overland Conveyor

Erstellt am 13. Aug. 2004 - 01:38

Originally posted by simon pearson

We require 3km of used Overland Conveyor to carry crushed rock -200mm at upto 2500tph

Dear Sir,

We centaur West Pty Ltd -0 Australia Can Offer you a Used System of this nature. Please adise if you would like details.


Anthony Melder