Glass fibre Teflon coated conveyor belt

Posted in: , on 6. Jul. 2004 - 20:46

One of my clients uses this belt on Svecia Printing machine. Now the problem is that the frequency of the chianging of this belt is very high due to the premature damage on the belt. The belt forms a sort of 'S' shape along the joint, then forms a small crease a feet long (from the joint along the length) & eventually fails. The machine uses automatic aligner (thru sensors & moving roller-with two pneumatic cylinders). the main rollers are tapered @ 200:1. We have also tried to discomnnect the automatic aligner but all in vain. What can be done. Please help

Dynamic Industrials New Delhi

Re: Glass Fibre Teflon Coated Conveyor Belt

Erstellt am 9. Jul. 2004 - 06:07


I suggest that you contact both the belt manufacturer and Svecia for their input. The belt manufacturer will want as much detail as you can supply, including samples of failed belts. If you can take still photos of the "failure" process as it progresses and a video of the belt as it is being worked, it will help them and you in your troubleshooting.

Although I am having some difficulty visualizing the "S" configuration along the splice (joint), it is not suprising that a stiff belt like this would propogate a crease.

Good luck with the machine and belt!

Dave Miller ADM Consulting 10668 Newbury Ave., N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685 USA Tel: 001 330 265 5881 FAX: 001 330 494 1704 E-mail: