Conveying Abrasive Powders

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Posted in: , on 10. Jun. 2004 - 15:37



In the first months of the year the Air-Tec system company, Italian leader and among the first in the world in pneumatic conveying systems, has to unroll in Turkey a series of investigations and meetings to find a potential distributors of owners components and to cover, besides the Turkey, also the neighbouring countries, like Armenia, Iran and Syria.

Dott. Walter Candini, Export Area Manager, has concluded an important agreement with a well known and active Turkish company with head office in Istanbul, in the Asiatic area, just introduced in the pneumatic field and known on the market.

General Manager Mr. Enver Kaya, president of the SMS-TORK has arranged an agreement with Air-Tec board, Dott. Candini, in order to commercialize the components to the pneumatic conveying systems in dense phase.

The agreement foresees two steps: During the first phase all the Air-Tec components will be promoted in the Turkey and Armenian market, through exibitions presence, advertising on the technical magazine and technical symposium looking to promote Air-Tec pneumatic transport, the main advantages and their particulariry.

The second step foresee the study and the practicable manufactured of same Air-Tec components directly on the Turkish market.

In April, during a symposium to arrange with the SMS-TORK and requested by one of the principal Turkish Group on the glass industry, the ANADOLU CAM TOPKAPI, Dott. Rodolfo Albini, president and very competent on the subject, has bound an important meeting in the TOPKAPI head office in Istanbul.

The subject was the new Air-Tec concept to pneumatic transport on the highly abrasive powders, their problematics, the experiences and the positive results to reach with the many installations just realized and the guarranties that Air-Tec can give for the nexth plants that more of the companies of the TOPKAPI Group have in the programs.

On the glass industry, one of the most difficults, on account of the powders that are higly abrasives and which usure the elbows and the pipe-line, Air-Tec has many references between most important Customers in the world, like St. Gobain. Only in Italy, St. Gobain Group have five factories and all have chosen the Air-Tec technology pneumatic transport.

To attend the symposium, besides Mr. Enver Kaya, Mrs. Birgul Kaya (Export-Import Manager ), and all the SMS-TORK technicals man, was presents all the sales-man engineers and the technicals operative man of the single company Group. The meeting was appreciated from all the attendants that have warmly to cheer the relator and to thank the SMS-TORK company.

For more information, please visit:


candini_news.10.06.04 (JPG)

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