Can we develop a new product?

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 29. Apr. 2004 - 17:41

I would like to preface this message with the acknowledgement that I am what would be described as a "Practicle Person" and not an engineer by wrote. I have worked in the fields of construction, mining and waste water treatment and see the processes occurring in the context of a hands on perspective.

I believe as a tradesman, ironworker and millwright I can build just about anything you need intuitively. Yet I must also acknowledge that I respect with unlimited praise the ability of those whom are able to quantify and use the engineering tools to conceptually develop and idea and test the idea quantitavitely prior to production.

Pardon if you will the long winded preface. I only want to introduce the perspective I am to offer by introducing the limitations as well as the insights associated with myself, the source of the question.

Last year I worked in several capasities in a dolomite quarry running a concrete recycling plant which we also used for crushing dolomite stone.

Almost all of our "downtime" was due to plugs in the transfer boxes that material flows into either due to a change in direction of materials or elevation, both necessitating a hopper.

I studied the flow of materials and being the person who more often had to free up the plugs, I studied their compositions as well as the general nature of the materials causing the plug prior to and while freeing the hopper of these materials.

I beileve as a practicle man I've several designs that are really unique and not tried in the industry at the present. After searching the web and looking at the crusher plants others are using in daily operations, my suspicion is generally confirmed that most plants are using the same technnology and thus might be experiencing the same amount of down time in perportion to running time as we did last year.

I would like to discuss product development with interested persons or a company that might want to develop a new technological product in the context of a real problem in many plants working with unconsolidated materials with differences in sizes of materials.

I don't claim to be either a genius or professional - but I do have over 40 years experience working with machinery, metals, steel fabrication, continual process operations and industrial trades and my hand can actually make into a product what my mind, after experience can design.

Thank you

Thomas P. Gregory Jr.


Re: Can We Develop A New Product?

Erstellt am 31. Aug. 2004 - 05:19

Dear Mr. Thomas P. Gregory Jr.,

I am sure you are aware of Discrete Element Modeling and the tools that are available to model bulk, particulate and granular materials but just in case this might help you there are tools that can be used to analyze and optimize bulk material handling and processing.

If you would like to see more information about them you can visit our webpage at or and there you will find few things about some of the tools that we use of caurse they are not the solution for everything but they do a great job and they are based on years of experiance as well as on years of mathematics/physics and engineering. (Well rounded not just pure R&D with no application).

In any case, if you would like more iformation or have some application that you think we can work on together than please feel free to contact me directly.

My contact information is:

Grzegorz Dewicki

Overland Conveyor Co., Inc.

12640 West Cedar Drive Suite D

Lakewood, CO 80228

303-716-0569 - Direct

303-217-5208 - Fax

Best regards,


Re: Can We Develop A New Product?

Erstellt am 1. Sep. 2004 - 02:37

Dear Thomas:

Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. (CDI) is always interested to learn of new and improved designs. We salute you for your inventiveness. We also offer your access to our Discrete Element Method (DEM) codes as you can view on our website:

A special point of interest is the product's rheology. Rheology is the science of matter as it flows or moves both with respect to itself and to its boundaries. Dolomite may, according to its size fractions and the presence of moisture, have substantial changes in its flow or rheological strength. Test can be conducted to ascertain these properties and give some guidance on how to include the equivalent rheology to mimic observations in such tests.

We look forward to your successful endeavor in eliminating plug chutes. This is our focus as well -- theory vs the practical man.

Lawrence Nordell

Conveyor Dynamics, Inc.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450
(not verified)

Re: Can We Develop A New Product?

Erstellt am 29. Oct. 2004 - 10:39

Pretty incoherent description. What the heck are you doing?! From what I could gather, maybe you want to smack some stuff with a hammer? They make pneumatic vibrators that you can weld to duct choke points or problem areas. And, Ironworker AND Millwright? What, are carrying two cards? If so, no one in either trade approves of your conduct.
