Cimbria Moduflex: Loading Chute Orders

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Posted in: , on 14. Apr. 2004 - 23:13

The Sun Shines on Cimbria Moduflex

Recent solutions and installations by Danish loading chute specialist in the sunny part of Europe, demonstrate the functional and financial benefits offered by state-of-the-art dust-free bulk loading systems technology.

Ship loading solutions

Cimbria Moduflex has recently installed a ship loading chute in the Aegean Sea. The order - which was issued by Grecian Magnesite - complies of a machine for dust free loading of ships with magnesite in various sizes. The chute is a type VF500 with integrated filter at the chute head. The chute is equipped with ceramic plated inlet and overlapping abrasive resistant cones with rubber on the outside of each cone for noise reduction. Likewise, the filter units at the discharge outlet are equipped with noise reduction kits to secure an acceptable working environment for the operators.

The chute has a total extended length of app. 10 metres and is loading the ships at a capacity of 500 t/h (560 m3/h) with 3 different qualities of materials ranging from 0-35 mm in size. The system will handle app. 120.000 t/year. The customer has the ability to change from one quality to an other very quickly, as the residual deposits of each quality of product left in the chute after the loading is negligible.

Grecian Magnesite is a mining and industrial concern, who process and sell a wide range of application specific grades of magnesium carbonate, caustic calcined magnesia, deadburned magnesia and basic monolithic refractories.

The company’s major deposits and production facilities are located in Chalkidike, which is also where the loading chute is located.

In 2003 Grecian Magnesite reviewed a number of different proposals from various suppliers of loading chutes, and the order was awarded to Cimbria Moduflex after the in-dept evaluation of the various technologies and commercial conditions offered. The conclusion of this work was, that Cimbria Moduflex was the only supplier, who could meet the stringent demands of the customer, and solve the problem of dust emissions they had with their old system. The local authorities demanded that Grecian Magnesite eliminated the dust billowing from the loading, as the port is very close to the town and beach. The decision was taken to place an order with B&W Mechanical Handling Ltd. for the complete system under instructions that it should include the Moduflex loading chute.

The loading chute was delivered to B&W in the latter part of 2003 and has now been installed and commissioned successfully. B&W has designed and built the mobile ship loader with integrated Samson feeder, and incorporated the Moduflex loading chute at the end of the conveyor belt. Grecian Magnesite is very satisfied with the performance of the loading system – which has now been approved by the local authorities.

The order follows a series of orders for Cimbria Moduflex ship loading chutes to among others Buzzi Unicem in Italy, Glaverbel in Belgium and Cempor in Portugal. These customers have nearly all chosen the solution from Moduflex after careful study and comparison with other system, due to the many benefits i.e. lower total investment cost, easy customisation, less wear, modular construction and lower maintenance cost.

Record breaking order for Cimbria Moduflex

Cimbria Moduflex has recently secured the biggest single order for loading chutes in the history of the company. The order was issued by Cyprus Grain Commission and complies of 27 state-of- the-art machines, fully equipped with integrated filter for dust free loading of grain, wheat and maize. On top of this, Cyprus Grain Commission has an option to buy further 6 machines, which are expected to be ordered and installed within the next 12-18 months.

During 2003 Cyprus Grain Commission did a comprehensive study of the equipment from various supplier of loading chutes, and the order was awarded to Cimbria Moduflex after the in-dept evaluation of the various technologies and commercial conditions offered. The conclusion of this work was, that Cimbria Moduflex was the only supplier, who could meet the stringent demands of the customer, and solve the problem of dust emissions. The decision to place the order with Cimbria Moduflex was taken after final negotiations at the head office of Cyrpus Grain Commission in Nicosia.

Cyprus Grain Commission is a state owned company, who is responsible for import, trade and distribution of grain, maize, wheat, etc, in Cyprus, and the loading of these products will take place from their 3 terminals in Paphos, Lanarca and Limassol.

The first batch of machines were shipped at the beginning of March, and the completion of the contract is expected to be around the end of March. As there were delivered similar equipment to the company Peletico Penta in Nicosia at the end of year 2003, it is estimated that Cimbria Moduflex now has close to a 100% market share in Cyprus.

With more than 7500 units produced Cimbria Moduflex dust-free loading chutes for bulk materials loading are in operation in all over the world. Inherent functional efficiency is enhanced by the modular nature of their design, an innovation that contributes significant savings in overall lifecycle costs.

Systems built from standardised modules are produced for road and rail tanker truck loading, ship loading, stockpiling and warehousing to meet the widest variety of material and throughput capacity requirements.

Cimbria Moduflex, a member company of the Cimbria Group of Companies, supplies dust free chute systems through a network of agents in over 30 countries around the world.

For more information, please visit:


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