Statistics tests

angela murray
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 8. Apr. 2004 - 12:18

I would really appreciate any help available on the following:

I am carrying out 2 tests on antibiotic resistance of 60 micro-organisms. The results range from 0.03 - 8.0 (concentration of antibiotic to which the microbes are resisant).

Can anyone suggest the best method(s) for comparing both sets of results.

I have no experience in Statistical Analysis and would appreciate any answers in simple terms!

Thank you

Student's T-Test

Erstellt am 9. Apr. 2004 - 07:13

Hi Angela,

Student's t-test for paired data would be an effective tool to compare your sets of test results. The test is simple to implement with spreadsheet software. A numerical example can be found in "Sampling in Mineral Processing" (see '' under Reviewed Papers).

A concentration range from 0.03 to 8.0 units demands that the set of 60 paired test results be ordered and divided into subsets such that each contains some 15 to 25 pairs. That would give each subset enough degrees of freedom for a sensitive t-test.

Send me your email address and I'll send you an Excel template for the t-test. Enter your data pairs, select the proper t-value, and determine whether the means are statistically identical or differ significantly. By the way, if you compare test results on a routine basis, look around for a handy textbook on statistics.

Kind regards,

Jan W Merks