Shanghai Powder/Bulk 2004

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Posted in: , on 22. Feb. 2004 - 11:28

International Powder/Bulk Conference & Exhibition

October 12 - 14, 2004

Shanghai International Exhibition Center (INTEX Shanghai) China


Chinese Society of Particuology

China Powder Industry Society

China High-Tech Industry Promotion Society


Worldwide Exhibitions Service Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Technology Convention & Exhibition Co., Ltd.

International Sponsors

The Powder/Bulk Portal

Trans Tech Publications

This is China’s highest-level show for the powder/bulk industries with extensive influence over all application fields. The first show in 2003 proved to be a great success in terms of active participation of leading industrial players and high professional attendance from home and broad.

Among 125 exhibiting companies, 20 international firms pioneered their way into the Chinese powder processing market by presenting know-how for the first time. Companies from Germany, USA, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan found the result of their participation satisfactory and up to their expectations. Besides the market potential they assessed during the debut show, the quality of visitors are also one of the key factors that enable them to consider joining the second session again.

China is proud to be the most prosperous construction site in the world now, and the momentum is even gaining faster in the following four to six years along with the successful biddings of Olympic Games and World Expo. Enormous infrastructure constructions call for great demand of processing equipment and high-quality industrial materials. And it is inevitable to import more advanced technologies and products from foreign countries.

The International Powder/Bulk Conference & Exhibition is the right event at the right time!

Based on the success of the debut show, Powder/Bulk 2004 will surely expand with more active participation and higher visitor attendance as well.

More information, please contact :

Mr. Xing Lan

Worldwide Exhibitions Service Co., Ltd.

801, Blk B, Nan Zheng Building,

580 Nanjing Rd. (W),

Shanghai 200041,

P.R. China

Tel: +86-21-52342119, 52340650

Fax: +86-21-52340649


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