News from InBulk Technologies

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Posted in: , on 5. Feb. 2004 - 14:43


A Derbyshire-based supplier of minerals has recently completed a highly successful trial of InBulk Technologies’ latest addition to its ISO-Veyor portfolio, the G type ISO-Veyor.

The G type ISO-Veyor is truly intermodal, facilitating easy transition between road, rail and sea. It consists of a cylindrical vessel with a 21m3 capacity constructed within the frame dimensions of a 20 ft ISO unit and can be handled exactly as a standard ISO container, utilising skeletal trailers and rolling stock. It can be filled at source and remain sealed until the point of delivery thus removing the need for intermediate handling or storage of the contents.

The company approached InBulk Technologies to explore alternatives to tipping tankers for transporting granular limestone material. The 20ft G type ISO-Veyor was developed using existing ISO-Veyor technology and taken into the quarry on a rail wagon. The ISO-Veyor was filled under gravity, the unit sealed and transported via train to a central Scottish railhead close to the customer’s process plant.

Explains Allan Wilkie, commercial director at InBulk Technologies: “This trial represents the very first time an ISO container has ever been taken into and back out of this specific quarry, previously thought not to be possible due to rail gauge issues. The material in question is normally transported in bottom discharge bulk wagons for delivery on an overnight train, emptied into a stock pile and then picked up by a tipping tanker for final delivery to the customer.

“An enormous amount of handling is involved in this current process which increases the chances of cross contamination. In addition, existing handling methods are not ideal for transporting food quality grade material but the G type eliminates the need for intermediate handling as it can be used to both transport and store such material.”

During the trial, 27 tonnes of granular limestone material were transported in the G type and successfully discharged into storage silos at the customer’s plant. In addition, the discharge time of the G type was almost half that of a conventional tipping tanker.

Continues Wilkie: “Both the InBulk and client teams and their minerals customers were delighted with the trial and we are now looking at ways to use the G type to transport other materials to customers across the UK, particularly those in the glass, limestone, cement, paper, pharmaceutical and food industries.

“The G type is an economically, commercially and logistically viable solution to transporting and storing dry, granular material including, calcium carbonate sugar, rice, soda ash and food grain products. More and more companies are exploring ways in which they can make better use of rail, not only in-line with environmental issues but also since larger quantities can be conveyed at any one time.

“People were saying that transportation of minerals in and out of the quarry in question simply couldn’t be done. However, thanks to a close working relationship with our client, the team at EWS and a huge amount of research, time and effort over the last few months, we’ve achieved the seemingly impossible and proved the sceptics wrong.”

Explains EWS general manager construction, Chris Pendlenton: “Since 1996, rail freight has grown by 50% and as a company we’re facilitating 50,000 lorry journeys to take place on the railways rather than the roads. Companies such as InBulk Technologies have really taken the bull by the horns and are making a vital contribution in assisting UK companies to take full advantage of the existing rail network.

"The G type ISO-Veyor is a practical intermodal solution from InBulk Technologies aimed at a number of industry sectors and specifically designed to help companies develop practical and economic rail based transport methods for bulk raw materials that extend rail’s competitive place in market areas usually dominated by road transport.

"EWS is keen to grow rail’s share of these markets and welcomes innovative new kit that provides answers to customers whose products need transporting without intermediate handling from or to points that do not have a useable rail connection themselves but which are otherwise within reach of a railhead. Our national network of routes, services and terminals should open up many opportunities for customers to take a fresh look at rail.”

Concludes Wilkie: “The G type offers the ideal intermodal solution for storing and transporting bulk material which impacts favourably on the environment and enables our clients’ to pass on improved logistical and cost benefits to their customers. Units are available now to purchase or hire and we would be delighted to advise any company wishing to find out more information about how ISO-Veyor technology can be harnessed to save them both time and money.”

For more information, please visit:


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