First information to the 10th Freiberg Sampling Symposium

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Posted in: , on 19. Jan. 2004 - 11:20

The jubilee symposium will be hosted in Freiberg on November 5th & 6th, 2004 under the frame subject „Sampling and quality assurance - stand and perspectives“.

At this time, we would like to motivate all specialty colleagues to take part with lectures, posters and firms presentation within the following complexes:

-theory and methodology of the sampling and quality assurance

-standardisation and guideline work

-practice and experience in sampling and quality assurance

-legal matter

The emphasis may be on:

Investigation, evaluation and remediation of Contaminated sites, waste characterisation, quality assurance and sampling of recycled commodities, investigation technologies (biotesting, e. g.), evaluation of measuring results, developing and testing of equipments and methods for sampling and sample preparation, alternative methods for material determination.

The occasion for the jubilee symposium is to review past accomplishments and to give an outlook to further developments in the field of the sampling and quality assurance. The contributions of all presentations expected will show, how our field of work has developed and in which industries/branches the knowledge is currently being used. Further more the input of all presentations will show where else further demands for research as well as standardisation work exists and which goals need to be reached.

For proposals and information kindly contact:

IQS Freiberg on the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Winfried Rasemann, Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 12, 09599 Freiberg, Deutschland/Germany, Fon/Fax: +49-3731-393274, E-mail:, Internet:

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