NAVCO's Small Portable Vibrator: Magnevibe

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 14. Sep. 2003 - 21:56

Increased usage of IBCs created a need for a small, portable vibrator to assist with material flow. NAVCO developed the Magnevibe to meet this distinctive need. The Magnevibe has been successfully applied to several different types of IBCs and it does greatly improve material flow. The fully portable Magnevibe is less than 8 inches long and weighs about 4 lbs. It mounts directly on ferrous IBCs via a magnetic mount head, this mounting method is not permanent so the Magnevibe can easily be moved to any container. For non-ferrous (plastic or stainless steel) bins or IBCs, a ferrous, adhesive-backed mount pad is available that sticks to the IBC or equipment wall - then the Magnevibe magnetically 'sticks' to the mount pad. The Magnevibe is shipped with a complete kit that provides for easy and instant installation.

There is no other similar manetic mount vibrator for light duty, small sized hopper, or rigid IBC applications.

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