Pelletron's Re-Designed P5 Deduster

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Posted in: , on 13. Sep. 2003 - 13:01

Pelletron Corporation Introduces Re-Designed P5 Deduster

Improved flow control, higher capacity allows for less expensive dedusting of

mixed regrind and virgin material

Pelletron Corporation, the pioneer in dedusting technology, officially introduced the newly re-designed Pelletron P5 Deduster, a dust contaminant removal system designed specifically for small to mid-size plastics product manufacturers. The key advantage to the re-designed P5 Deduster is its ability to clean regrind and virgin materials that have been mixed together. The P5 is among the first dust-removal systems to provide such an advantage.

The original version of the P5, which was introduced by Pelletron in 1991, included a Pellefeeder attachment to help control the material flow into the deduster. That attachment meant another step in the installation process as well as additional equipment to clean when changing resins. The re-designed P5 Deduster uses an agitator to control the material flow, much like Pelletron’s highly successful P1 Mini-Deduster, eliminating the additional equipment and making it easier to clean.

“By re-designing the P5 to operate like the smaller P1 Mini-Deduster, we have improved the overall efficiency of the P5 while lowering the cost by nearly 30 percent,” said Jerry Paulson, president and CEO of Pelletron.

The P5, with a capacity of 500 pounds per hour, removes unwanted dust particles down to 100 microns. By effectively separating plastic pellets from dust contaminants, plastic product manufacturers can reduce scrap rates, improve product quality, and increase production efficiency.

Product contamination is caused by the pneumatic conveyance of raw material – such as plastic pellets – through the production process. As the material is conveyed, pellets collide with one another and against the piping, causing minute particles to break off, resulting in dust. As the material moves a static charge builds, causing the dust to attach to the pellets. When processed, the contaminants can burn or bubble, resulting in a rejected end product.

The Pelletron P5 Deduster features a flux field generator that produces a low-power electromagnetic field, disrupting the electrostatic bond between a pellet and the dust particles. The pellets and dust fall to the surface of a primary air wash deck where they are washed by air that lifts the lighter contaminants above the main product stream. Pellets pass through a patented Venturi chamber, which regulates updraft air velocity to a sufficient level to remove streamers. The dust is carried out of the deduster and into a dust collector. The cleaned pellets are discharged through the product outlet at the base of the deduster.

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