Bench-Mark Study on cold climate conveyors

Posted in: , on 21. May. 2003 - 18:04

I am in the process of conducting a bench-mark study on cold climate conveyors operating at temperatures as low as –55 degrees Celsius. Does anyone know if one has been written, and if so, where I can locate it for reference.

Re: Bench-Mark Study On Cold Climate Conveyors

Erstellt am 22. May. 2003 - 01:29

Dear cjvalente:

Check the bulk-online library for potential reference articles.

Another source of information is the community of large users of conveyors in cold climates (Canadian Tar Sands project; Canadian, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, et cetera power plants and mines). You can get contact information from trade directories. Once you have made contact with a few users via e-mail, you should have determined if there is an existing study. If not, you will have at least started your independent information gathering for your work.

Finally, try the large belt manufacturers and conveyor accessory (cleaners, repair materials, etc.) manufactirers for input. They can probably point you in the right direction.

Good luck with your study.

Dave Miller ADM Consulting 10668 Newbury Ave., N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685 USA Tel: 001 330 265 5881 FAX: 001 330 494 1704 E-mail:

Re: Bench-Mark Study On Cold Climate Conveyors

Erstellt am 22. May. 2003 - 08:35

Mr. CJValente,

Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. (CDI), in association with Syncrude Canada, Ltd., worked on a new conveyor power equation, that took three years to develop and verify. The study commence in 1990 and finished in 1994. Verification was by laboratory equipment and 3 years of field measurements. The process consisted of:

1. Theory base on rubber viscoelastic properties E"; E" to -50C

2. Built two test laboratory machines to measure:

Belt-Idler Indention Machine:

a) full width up to 2000 mm

b) full speed range 1-8 m/s

c) equivalent idler pressure to 20000 t/h @ 8 m/s

d) cold room testing down to -40C

e) many idler configurations with and without rubber

f) test different belt manufacturers

g) classified influence of oil sand on belt properties

h) tested new and aged belt viscoelastic properties

i) demonstrated theory matched laboratory test and field work

j) studied belt construction variations across and down length of belt. Taking slices to analyze rheology differences within and between mfgrs.

l) laboratory testing took 3 years

m) field measurements were taken over 3 seasons

Belt Flexure & Material Trampling:

a) various materials:water, sand, tar sand @ different % bitument

b) differing temperatures

See our website: for jigs. CDI design the jigs and Syncrude built and tested them.

We have worked with Syncrude on horizontal belt curving at cold temperatures

Studied misalignment influence with controlled misalignments from 0-3 degrees idler frame offsets over 2000m shiftable conveyor.

Studied carryback influence up to 1500 t/h in warm weather

Some of the results have been published in Bulk Solids Handling:

Volume 16 No. 3 1996: The Power of Rubber - Part I

Other papers also explore different features of power efficiency and rubber rheology.

I am trying to complete Part II for a new publication which will explore further interesting temperature influeces on power and differing rubber compounds.

I am giving a paper at BELTCON 12 in South Africa on rubber and power. Shocking. It tells a tale of neglect and waste by the world body of engineers who refuse to engage in modernizing their thinking and taking benefit of rubber rheology science.

Also giving a keynote paper in India Bulk Seminar (Dec.) giving further discussions on: Conveyor Design Optimization Procedures - Where are the Benefits? Something like that.

Need further info. contact me direct.

Lawrence Nordell

Conveyor Dynamics, Inc.

ph: 360-671-2200 USA Washington State

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450