Online Solid Flowmeter Requirement

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 12. Jan. 2003 - 11:14

Attn : Marketing Manager

We are having requirement of online solid flow meter for powder

application. Powder is Tio2 ( Titanium dioxide ) produced from spray

drying plant. Let us know whether you can supply the instrument /

measurement system for above. I can send more detials to you if you can

supply the same.

Prasad Valimbe

Automation Systems

Alfa-Laval ( India ) Ltd

Dapodi , Pune 411 012

Tel : Direct : 91 - 020 4116 349 / 7107 349, Board :91-20- 4116 100

Fax :91- 020 714 6474 / 020 714 7711

email :

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