Modernization of the Eilat Shiploader

Posted in: , on 11. Dec. 2002 - 15:11

The shiploading of dusty bulk materials is one

of the main sourses of air pollution and one of

the main "headache" for the Port authority and

the Ministry of the Ecology.

The problem came up in the port of Eilat.

The "straight forward" solution of the problem

was to suspend the famous Cleveland Cascade

on the outlet of the boom conveyor head drum


The Shiploader was built in 1964-65. On the

outlet of the its static head drum chute,

the slew,bow-shaped pipe was hanged up.

The pipe threw an accelerated dusty material

on the distance of about 7m forward and

7m backward. The loading was very dusty ,but

the pipe increased significally the range of

the shiploading.

The Cleveland Cascade drops a material

only vertically, so shiploading getting practically


The Ring Eng. Co. was chosen by the Dead Sea

Works Ltd., to solve the problem.

The solution was found: the head chute was

re-designed as the 8m long special pivot chute.

Now the new pivot chute and new re-designed

boom, allowed to get the required loading

distance forward and backward.

The old Shiploader was fully re-designed (by

the Ring Eng.) and re-constructed during

12 months.The Shiploader was out of operation

about 6 weeks.

After the reconstruction and installation of the

Cleveland Cascade, no dusting was observed

during loading even such dusty material as


This successful solution improved the

environment in the Port of Eilat and in the

Eilat Bay also.

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