Aerobelt or Air Supported Conveyors

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 12. Sep. 2002 - 10:50

Marketing Director,

Bulk-Online Portal

We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the largest Engineering, Procurement and Construction companies with proven experience in turnkey projects for minerals, process and power industries in both India and Overseas. For one of our forthcoming cogeneration based power plant projects for our client , we are required to include aerobelt conveyors in our supply for transport of fuel.

We happened to visit your Portal while surfing in net for prospective suppliers of aerobelt or air supported conveyors for this requirement. We must appreciate your efforts for hosting such information in your site and you deserve all praise for the same.

Keeping in view of time constraints and also to harness the benefits of email system for cost economics, we prefer to reach the prospective suppliers of aero belt conveyor through email. It is observed that most of them posted in your site do not have their email address displayed. While, we have tried to complete and submit details in the Questionaire to some of them through your Portal, their response is still awaited.

Our requirement in brief is as follows : We are looking for aerobelt conveyors for conveying bagasse and maximum capacity of 120 TPH (max.). The longest conveying length shall be approx. 150 m (max.). The expected lift of conveyor required is about 30 M (max.). Bulk density of bagasse : 150 kg/cub.m (capacity calculation) and 200 kg/cub.m (load calculation).

Is it at all possible for you to forward our requirement to these suppliers and solicit their reply on the same ? Alternatively, we request you to furnish email addresses of all these suppliers per return for forwarding our enquiry.

Regret for inconvenience caused to you in this regard,

Shall appreciate your reply,

With Best Regards,



Captive & Cogen. Power Plant Business Group

EPC Centre , B.P. Estate

N.H. - 8

Chhani, Baroda - 391 740

Ph. 0265-774083 /85/86 Extn. 229

772143 (DID), 774409 (Htg)

Fax: 0265 - 771549, 772043

Email :

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