Belt Conveyors vs. Trucks

(not verified)
Posted in: , on 7. Aug. 2002 - 12:31

I am currently trying to find examples where conveyors have been selected in

preference over trucks for transport of quarry materials (or minerals) in

urban areas and why the conveyor system was preferred. Reasons include less dust, quieter, flexibility, safer etc.

Any idea where I could get some information?

Yours sincerely

Alan Robertson


Tennent, Isokangas Pty Ltd

M. Pickering
(not verified)

Re: Belt Conveyors Vs. Trucks

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2002 - 12:13

Dear Mr. Robertson,

We are a dutch manufacturer of enclosed conveying and storage systems. Our product range consists of screw conveyor systems(horizontal, vertical en diagonal) and storage systems up to 100.000 cubic metres.

Since the beginning of 2001 we have a new product in our product range 'The Spaans E-B S Conveyor', also known as the Enerka-Becker System.

This system is a belt conveyor which totally encloses the transported product by folding the belt around the product. This belt is closed the whole route, also on the return part. Advantages of this system is that it results in dust and spillage free transport.

With this belt conveyor it is possible to make sharp horizontal as well as verticall curves, so no transfer points are needed.

So far we have not built this installation as a replacement for a truck, but we received several inquiries of different companies who are looking into the possibilities of replacing their truck by a enclosed belt system.

If you are interested in more information on this enclosed belt conveyor, please visit us at

Best regards,


e-b s (JPG)

Re: Belt Conveyors Vs. Trucks

Erstellt am 8. Aug. 2002 - 06:40

Dear Mr. Robertson:

Reasons for using overland systems in lieu of trucks include:

Cost effectiveness (i.e. conveyors are less expensive)

Environmental friendliness (conveyors are quieter, cleaner, safer, and less disruptive.)

Productivity (conveyors supply constant material flow)

Generally, the primary reason is the cost effectiveness. However, the other factors also are important. The relative importance will vary from urban area to urban area -- depending on the restrictions imposed by local governments.

You should be able to obtain quantitative information from belt manufacturers, conveyor erectors, and overland conveyor users (in the area concerned). Overland systems that are available to you include the Enerka system already posted, regular troughed belt systems, pipe belt systems, Multi-Fold belt conveyor system (Imperial Technologies), and the square belt system. All of the systems mentioned except for the regular troughed belt system provide complete coverage of the product by the belt -- this controls dust and material loss during the overland transport stage, but the systems are more expensive to install and require more attention to preventive maintenance.

Hope this helps.

Dave Miller ADM Consulting 10668 Newbury Ave., N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685 USA Tel: 001 330 265 5881 FAX: 001 330 494 1704 E-mail: