New Helix delta-T Conveyor Design Program

Posted in: , on 23. Dec. 2001 - 08:50

Helix Technologies is pleased to announce the release of the new

Helix delta-T version 5 Conveyor Design Program.

Download a full working copy of the software from our website at

Development began in 1992 and delta-T now has many users who depend on the program to provide consistent, accurate and cost effective belt conveyor designs.


Automatic Selection of Belt and Tension, Power Calculations

Databases for Belts, Idlers, Pulleys & Shafts, Gearboxes, Motors, Fluid Couplings, Brakes etc.

Create a 3D model of the conveyor

Calculate Vertical Curve radii and super-elevation (banking) angles for Horizontal curves

Add any number of Conveyor Pulleys, Drives, Loading points, Trippers, Brakes etc.

Over 60 reports can be viewed, printed or exported to Word, PDF files or Excel etc.


web site:

Peter Burrow Helix Technologies Pty Ltd PO Box 610, Morley, WA 6943, Perth, Australia Tel +61 8 9275 0635 Fax + 61 8 9275 0615
(not verified)

Delta - T5

Erstellt am 15. Dec. 2001 - 06:16

Dear Srs,

I will read better the software details, in time I would like to know:

The software cost?

What about the training and if you can training someone here in Amrica or in Europe?

Best regards,

Rafael Castellano.

Re: New Helix Delta-T Conveyor Design Program

Erstellt am 17. Dec. 2001 - 02:07

Dear Mr. Castellano,

Thank you for your enquiry about our Helix delta-T5 software. In response to your questions:

1. The cost of the software is from (in Australian dollars) AU$ 950 (Lite version) up to AU$ 4850 for the Professional version, plus a shipping charge of $58 to anywhere in the world.

2. We are based in Perth Australia, so to arrange one on one training in America or Europe is possible but costly. We have found that because our software is supplied with excellent Help files and instruction manuals, most of our users require no help at all after buying the software, and if they do need help, it is very easy for them to email us the design files with the questions, and we can then respond by email.

I suggest you install the demo version of the program and see the quality of the software and the help files. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Burrow

Helix Technologies Pty Ltd

PO Box 610, Morley, WA 6943, Perth, Australia

Tel +61 8 9275 0635

Fax + 61 8 9275 0615

Peter Burrow Helix Technologies Pty Ltd PO Box 610, Morley, WA 6943, Perth, Australia Tel +61 8 9275 0635 Fax + 61 8 9275 0615

Belt Conveyor Software - Beltstat

Erstellt am 26. Mar. 2002 - 10:06

Want to see a better mouse trap?


Many of the world's major design houses and manufacturers use BELTSTAT. It has been responsible for designing more kilometers of overland conveyor belt than all other codes!!!! See what is important and what is flash. Just ask them for their reference list of installations. See our website

Call or email David Kruse at Conveyor Dynamics, Inc.

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Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450

Dynamic Analysis - Software Flaw - Negative Belt Tensions

Erstellt am 12. May. 2010 - 03:50


I just read Helix 2004 published information from their Helix delta-T Conveyor Design Program regarding the 6 km Muja Collie Dynamic Response measurements performed by Conveyor Dynamics, Inc (CDI) in ~1998. Reference the web page:

The information states Helix has been able to match the field measurements and accurately mimic the CDI measurements to a reasonable degree of accuracy.

This claim is not true. CDI published our Muja conveyor design and commissioning information to enable review of such complicated designs. Helix states in their Tension vs. Time plot values, belt tension will become negative. Belt tensions will not go negative. If a simulation model demonstrates negative tensions, the results will be incorrect. The belt dynamics cannot induce full width negative tensions without the belt severely buckling across its width. Since the belt did not severely buckle, during commissioning, CDI claims this publication illustrates false claims: "The Helix delta-T Dynamic Analysis program accurately predicts the low tension and belt slip encountered and measured on site in practice". Yes, belt slip did occur and belt tensions can go low. They cannot go negative across the full belt width. When accurately simulated, the belt's behavior will not illustrate the same tension and time plots. The shock wave will have a very different signature.

Inaccurate portrayal of negative tension and time plot also means other dynamic behavior can be in large error such as counterweight motion and forces. A minor point not published, the conveyor was equipped with a capstan control of the counterweight. I wonder if Helix fit the data without knowing of the capstan and its influence?

We have not seen a print correction to this claim and must therefore assume Helix still believes this claim to be true. I see in May 2010, the same claim is still offered:

We are willing to discuss our thread claims to any and all who wish to know why.

This is true of Helix and any other software that demonstrates negative tensions. We solved this specific problem back in 1984 (26 years ago) and published the very point in Bulk Solids Handling to inform the German and Australian modelers of such an error. They are aware and agreed with our claim shortly after BSH published the theory. All our field measurements over hundreds of conveyors validate the claim.

Lawrence Nordell Conveyor Dynamics, Inc. website, email & phone contacts: phone: USA 360-671-2200 fax: USA 360-671-8450