
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 27. Jul. 2001 - 15:00

I want to sieve a metal powder in inert gas atmasphere. Is there someone can help me to realize it? Thank you.


Erstellt am 30. Jul. 2001 - 06:26

Dear Luodengjun,

Depending on which inert gas you require, a simple method is to erect a plastic, rubber, or metal containment around your seiving equipment and displace air by pumping in the gas. (if the inert gas is lighter than air, allow venting at the base of the containment; if heavier than air vent at the top) You will need to maintain a positive inert gas pressure throughout the operation, to ensure that air cannot re-enter your enclosure.

If workers are needed in the area, ensure that they are protected by self contained breathing apparatus for their air -- or use suits that provide air (and remove it) from a remote source.

Once your processing is complete, vent the area well to rid yourself of the inert gas. Since the gas is inert, it should not present a hazard.

Before proceeding, confirm (with your governmental agencies and fire department)that you will not be violating any local ordances and that what you are proposing to do is safe.

Presumably, you are contemplating the use of Nitrogen to avoid moisture contamination. If so, your supplier can advise on safe handling practices.

As you have not provided details, this suggestion should not be considered as an engineering recommendation. It is solely an indicator to a possible solution. It is your responsibility to investigate, engineer, and install a safe operating method for your production needs.

Hope this helps.

Dave Miller ADM Consulting 10668 Newbury Ave., N.W., Uniontown, Ohio 44685 USA Tel: 001 330 265 5881 FAX: 001 330 494 1704 E-mail: admconsulting@cs.com