
Posted in: , on 22. Dec. 2000 - 12:46

Posted on April 17, 2000 at 13:01:54:

I am preparing a manuscript for a book

on Belt Conveyor Technology to be published

by Trans Tech Publications Germany

at the end of 2000.

I invite you to send me your catalogs, leaflets, technical information, etc. which may possibly be introduced into this book.

Please use my email address or my postal address:

Mr. I.G. Mulani

Chief Engineer

Krupp India Pvt. Ltd.

C-1/204 Nikash Lawns

Sus Road, Pashan

Pune - 411 021


Email: parimul@pn2.vsnl.net.in

Tel: + 91 20 588 74 51

I look forward to your material.

Time is of the essence. The book will have

about 500 pages in print, A4 format.

Kind regards,

I.G. Mulani

PS: The publishers, Trans Tech Publications of Germany,

(wohlbier@bulk-online.com) will include paid

advertisements at the end of this book to give

the planning engineer important addresses of relevant

suppliers, consultants, etc. Please contact Dr. R.H.

Wohlbier and express your interest in participating

in this project which will also lead to the lowest

possible retail price for this book which is essential

for selling the book on a worldwide scale, also in low income countries.

Narendra K. Roy
(not verified)

Re: Book On Belt Conveyor Technology

Erstellt am 22. Dec. 2000 - 11:46

Posted on May 16, 2000 at 06:44:03:

In Reply to: Book on Belt Conveyor Technology posted by Mr. I.G. Mulani on April 17, 2000 at 13:01:54:

Congratulations on the effort. I will surely be interested to extend any help in providing latwest and relevant informastion on Belt Conveyor technology. we have consolidated reprints and reports and may share with you on an exchange basis. we only want that we are listed in the categories of the consultants/ trainers/ publishing group/ tech troubleshooting group for indian industries/ process plants.

We have number of proceedings of the seminars we organised. You may also like to see the forum news. We had added few recent activities planned. regards

Narendra K Roy, GRAI-PED, PO Box 4016, Vadodara 390015, India