
(not verified)
Posted in: , on 13. Dec. 2000 - 16:21

Posted by Gary James on April 17, 2000 at 18:48:12:

This is a new Society for Bulk Solids Handling.

There are currently 300 members in Australia and around the world.

The Society is part of the Institution of Engineers Australia.

All members will receive a free subscription of Bulk Handling Review. It is a full color journal, covering materials handling projects in Australia and Asia, with articles by suppliers, research bodies etc. There are normally 5 issues per year.

Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in bulk solids handling. i.e. not just members of the Institution of Engineers Australia.

There is a web site under construction at


If you are interested in the Society contact myself, Chairman or John Ramage, Secretary on jramage@bigpond.com.

(not verified)

Re: Australian Society For Bulk Solids Handling

Erstellt am 13. Dec. 2000 - 03:21

Posted on June 26, 2000 at 22:50:10:

In Reply to: Australian Society For Bulk Solids Handling posted by Gary James on April 17, 2000 at 18:48:12:


Mr. Gary James


Australian Society for Bulk SOlids HAndling

Dear Mr. Gary,

I am very interested in registering the company I work for viz. Scorpio Engineering Pvt. Ltd. for this society.

My name is Krithika V and email krithika@scorpioengg.com



Re: Australian Society For Bulk Solids Handling

Erstellt am 13. Dec. 2000 - 03:22

Posted on April 18, 2000 at 10:38:30:

In Reply to: Australian Society For Bulk Solids Handling posted by Gary James on April 17, 2000 at 18:48:12:

I send my best regards to you, John Ramage and the Members of The Australian Society for Bulk Solids Handling.

Australia has always been at the front of many developments in bulk materials handling, due to its mineral riches and export capabilities.

There is hardly a country in the world which can match the research and development work done in this field by Australian companies and organisations.

Our journal "bulk solids handling", now in its 19th year of existence, is highly indebted to Australian researchers and engineers. Without them, this journal would not have "made" it.

Within the next few weeks we will have all titles ever published in "bulk solids handling" and in "powder handling & processing" on our website (the one you are presently on!), and this data bank will show the overwheliming presence of

Australians in our publications. Not knowing excact figures

at the moment I would not be surprised if the Australian

Professor Dr. mult. Alan Roberts of Newcastle may not be

leading as author of excellent articles in "bulk solids handling".

And he will probably be followed very closely by experts like

Peter Arnold, Alex Harrison, Peter Wypych, Arnold McLean, John Chambers

and other Australians. There are larger, also important, countries

in the world which are not nearly as active in this field, regrettably.

I look forward to a close cooperation between us

and wish your Society all the best -

growth and professional excellence.

"Glueckauf", as the German miners say.

Reinhard H. Wohlbier


Trans Tech Publications