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Solution to the Problem of Cleaning Out of Silo Floors

Geschrieben von Iselin, H.J. bearbeitet von mhd am 17. Jan. 2024
The author describes the problems associated with the unloading of silos, in particular those for grain storage. The "Matscrew' Silo Unloader is described and significant cost savings are claimed over other unloading methods.

1. Introduction.

In South Africa's major grain producing areas, every 'dorpie' or village has got one or more grain silos. Besides these there are numerous silos in the manufacturing industry in the industrial areas. Civil engineering-wise the simplest solution for the construction of a silo is to cast a floor slab with the necessary cast-in frames and then slide the side walls up and cover the silo wall with a conical hat of either concrete or sheet metal.

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